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The death penalty for minors is wrong and I am just a new student teacher that is taking sociology and phsyc and such typical courses that apply to this particular question. Even in the basic science development class we learn that the human species takes the longest time to mature. For this fact alone how can we actually determine how long an individuals development is to take. Considering environment, parental supervision and or neglect of the surrounding community it is just a shame that our lacking to diagnose or rectify problematic behaviors in our youth today would lead to more than one unjustified act. Mental Health is key to the prevention of such hideous acts and as we see with soldiers returned from war to early that mentality is fragile why should their acts of violence be any more acceptable than those of a broken child. I personally think a lot of laws will never be changed or revised due to tenure it blocks the fresh and new from doing anything useful in the high courts. But I am just an average American only heard when in great company.

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No. A child does have the maturity to realise what they had done and why it was so bad; they may know it was wrong, but they do not know how wrong.

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Q: Should minors be sentenced to the death penalty?
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Can a sixteen year old get the death penalty?

In the US, no. The Supreme Court found that minors could not be sentenced to the death penalty.

What was penalty was Charles Manson sentenced to?

He was sentenced to death. The death penalty was abolished for all prisoners and his sentence was changed to life.

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Of course, death penalty are sentenced to people who have done serious crime regarless of their race

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No, a person of any race could be sentenced to the death penalty.

What chracteristics must a crime have in order for the death penalty to be sentenced?

It must be a felony in a state that uses death penalty. Death penalty is not common, mostly used with serial killers. Murder is the most common crime punished by death, but most of the cases are just sentenced to life in prison.

If a person is sentenced to life then transferred to a state with the death penalty will he be sentenced to death?

The person would never be transferred to another state. They would serve their sentence in the state that convicted them.

Why is death penalty right?

Most of the time, life in prison without parole, is good enough for murders. However, if a person commits murder, is sentenced to life without parole, and kills again (it has happened); then in that case, the two time murderer can be sentenced to death and executed. The death penalty should only be used in extreme cases. Spending life without parole is no walk in the park.

Who is sentenced to death in Macbeth?

thane of cawdor. he commited treason and gets the death penalty. Macbeth takes over his place as ruler of cawdor.

Death penalty for Jack Ruby?

Yes he was sentenced to death, however he was scheduled to receive a new trial when he died of lung cancer.

What characteristics must a crime have in order for the death penalty to be sentenced?

Some of the characteristics of a crime that leads to a death penalty include crimes that lead to the death of others. These include drug trafficking, terrorism and rape that leads to injury.

Wilkins v. Missouri?

Sixteen year old wilkens stabbed 26 years out convinence counter girl to death during a robbery. Wilkens plead guilty to first degree murder and other charges. He was tried in adult court due to the violence of the crime and sentenced with the death penalty. He was sentenced with the death penalty.

Was Jack Ruby sentenced?

yeah not in prison through he was supposed to have a death penalty but it overturned when he died before new trial so the court never had a chance to sentenced him again