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yes because the mother needs to spend time with ther children. discipline then, learn about then, and nurchuring them the love of a mother is the must valuable. A child cant get a better love then from their mother. No afence Fathers but a Fathers love isn't even as neutering and loving as a mothers.

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Q: Should mothers stay at home to raise their children?
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What did fascist believe was the role of women?

To be mothers and raise soldiers for the nation .

Why do many mothers and fathers work from home?

Many mothers and/or fathers of young children find it more productive, more cost-effective, and safer to keep their children with them while they work at home.

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Some mothers work outside the home or have jobs they can work from home. Most fathers have jobs but sometimes a father will stay at home with the children.

What did mothers do in the 1950s?

Most mothers were stay at home mothers in the 1950s. They took care of their children. Some mothers had to work and did jobs such as factory work, waitressing, teaching and nursing.

What is the definition of an working mother?

A working mother is a woman who has children and is also employed in a job outside the home. This term encompasses mothers who balance their responsibilities at work with their responsibilities at home, raising their children while also managing a career.

What are some of the disadvantages of mothers working away from home?

Working mothers can not give as much time to their children as non-working mothers. The time that they are able to give will not be of the same quality. Children require both, quantity and quality, of their parent;s time.

What roles did mothers and dads have in their homes?

Traditionally women stayed home and took care of the children while the dad worked outside the house. However today some mothers work outside the home and the father stays home with the children or in some cases both parents work outside the house and the children have a nanny or go to daycare.

What did Roman mothers do?

Roman mothers stayed home and raised the children. They had to do what their mother-in-law said. Women could not own property or inherit after her husband died.

What did the mothers do during World War 1?

Mothers in World War I helped in the factories, were nurses, or stayed home with the children and grew food in victory gardens.

What roles did mothers and dads have in the home in 1948?

In 1948, men went out of the house to work and women stayed home to take care of the children.

What did the cult of domesticity do?

The Cult of Domesticity promoted a specific version of femininity that they claimed all "real" women should have. This involved staying in the domestic sphere and caring for the household and children, honoring and obeying their husband and God, and making their home comfortable for the men. The Cult of Domesticity also excluded those who were not white or middle/upper class.

Do all children go to school in Scotland?

no some children get home schooled or go round someones house with their friend's mothers teach their own child.