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It's the uterus getting back to normal size. All your muscles are sore right now. Could be your period on the way back. if you feel unsure just go to the doctor.

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Q: Should one have abdominal pains or cramping after vaginal delivery?
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Im about six weeks pregnant and you are experiencing cramping Is this normal?

Cramping is normal during pregnancy and could persist. It could also be a sign that the baby is in distress or that you are having false labor pains. You should go get an ultrasound to make sure that the baby isn't in distress. If the cramping is sever then it could be preterm contractions. If the cramping gets worse and closer together you should go straigh to the hospital and have an ultrasound or to the labor and delivery room at the nearest hospital straight away.

Is cramping healthy in pregnancy?

no. any cramping or pain should be discussed with your doctor

What are signs of vaginal diseases?

Anything that is out of the norm for you should be checked out by a medical professional. This may include: Bleeding between periods foul discharge abdominal pain pain during or after intercourse bleeding after intercourse sores, lumps or lesions

Effect of abbortion pills?

After ingesting the pills according to the kind you are given, after a period of approximately 2-4 hours you will begin to experience cramping in the lower abdominal region and vaginal areas. This cramping will increase in intensity and depending on how advanced your pregnancy was, you may feel the expansion of the uterus and vagina, signaling that the foetus is about to be expelled. For pregnancies from 3 - 6 weeks the foetus will be expelled as a mass of blood and tissue, for later pregnancies where the foetus has begun to develop, more definition will be seen and it is recommended that you not deliver over a toilet or by yourself. The entire process can last for approximately 8 hours but varies from person to person. After the foetus has left the body, there will still be some cramping and heavy vaginal bleeding. The bleeding can continue for 1-2 weeks, and if it does not stop or slow down significantly at that time you should seek medical attention immediately.

Is it possible to have sharp abdominal pains when you are new to the pill?

Hello, Yes, it is possible for a woman to experience abdominal pains or frequent cramping when she first starts birth control or changes to a different birth control. However if the pain persists, see your Doctor. Please note this is advice only & should not be used in place of your Doctors evaluation.

Am I miscarrying if I am cramping in my lower back?

Cramping in the lower abdomen and back can be a sign of a miscarriage, however it is not 100 percent specific for miscarriage, as several other conditions can cause similar symptoms, including Braxton-Hicks contractions, or even labor. If you are having these pains, especially associated with vaginal bleeding or fluid leakage, you should seek help immediately.

What is Dark vaginal discharge and cramping?

I'm going to have to say infection an you really should go to a Dr.

Can you start cramping as soon as you concive?

It is unlikely that you would begin cramping right away. The first cramping you should notice would be around the time of your implantation bleeding.

How long should you waite to have another baby after a C Section delivery?

Different physicians recommend different amounts of time, but typically, one year after a vaginal delivery or two years after a C-Section delivery is recommended, especially if the woman is going to attempt to have the second baby vaginally (i.e., a VBAC). Recent research suggest a woman should have at least 18 months in between deliveries if she wants to have a vbac.

When should one wear an abdominal belt?

One should wear an abdominal belt at any time to tone your muscles. However, it is not advised for you to wear an abdominal belt when you are pregnant.

What are the signs of a serious infection after an abdominal myomectomy?

Unusual pain, vaginal discharge, redness/pain/discharge at the incision site, malaise, flu-like symptoms, or a fever over 100.4. Any of these should trigger a call to your doctor.

How long should you cramp after a pap smear It's been 6 days and I'm still cramping badly No blood but a lot of cramping.?

It's not normal to have cramping six days after a pap smear, and you should contact your health care provider.