

Best Answer

Yes, because almost every person in the world who would commit a crime yowled not abide to laws that restrict gun wrights. If a criminal would commit a crime, they obviously would not care about laws that do not allow them to have guns. People who have guns for self defense can defend themselves. If there are laws against owning guns, then innocent people would be unable to defend themselves, meanwhile a criminal would have a gun.

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Q: Should people be allowed to own guns?
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Should the world have guns?

Yes. Criminals should not have guns. Normal, law abiding people, despite age, gender, race or religious preference should be allowed to own guns, and should chose whether or not they want to. No one should make the choice for them.

Are people in the UK allowed to own guns?

Yes if you have a gun permit.

Why people shouldn't be allowed to own gun?

Your question calls for an opinion. My opinion is that people SHOULD be allowed to own a gun.

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What countries are you not allowed to own guns?

China and Korea.

Should scottish people have the right to own guns?

Not at all, the UN says, after a study, that Scotland has the most violence of all developed countries, that, with the amount of sectarian and religious bigotry in Scotland, is only one of numerous reasons that any country should not be allowed to carry guns.

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It would be bad. Soldiers could violate the right of the people and even use guns to bully them.

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No. They were slaves

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They are not. It is against the law to own them as well as BB guns. Nerf are fine

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While private citizens in Germany did own guns, there have been many restrictions and limitations over the years. Prior to the start of World War 2, the German government began a program of registration, and later, confiscation of guns from private citizens. Citizens in Germany may own guns today, but again, with limitations.

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yes, they should people don't need to be married to have children . adopted or there own.

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