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Well...let me put it this way..

The Ten Commandments stated that you should worship God and only God. So, If you worshiped God while your friend worships something else, then i guess it's ok.

BUT If you worship what your friend is worshiping, then obviously you are worshiping false idols....that is if ,say, you are a christian


Most people choose to worship separately because there is a comfort zone that all in that church, synagogue, or mosque are of like mind. If a person comes to understand or believe that those from different faiths are ALL saying prayers to the same Creator, irrespective of what the Creator might be called in different languages or religions (e.g., God, Allah, Vishnu, etc.), then there is no harm in interfaith worship. The only things that would differ are the manmade rituals involved with each.

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Q: Should people from different religions worship together or separately?
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