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I would not recomed it, you should get treatment and if yu contuine to have sex with this person, you can cause your body harm and have a chance of spreading it to someone else.

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Q: Should sex be continued with the partner who infected you?
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1) Having sex with infected partner through oral or vagina.

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STD's are transferred from one partner to another through bodily fluids released during sex.

Have a aids by mouth sex?

Yes it is possible, but HIV transmission from an infected partner through oral sex is much smaller than the risk of HIV transmission from anal or vaginal sex.

How much sex should I have?

It depends if your partner wants to

Why is it that one of the partner who is infected cannot infect the other in the discordant couple?

The issue perhaps is not that the HIV partner cannotinfect, but that the partner has not yet infected the non-infected partner.Odds are that an infected person who has unprotected sex with the non-infected partner will eventually pass on the disease.Research has shown that there is a small percentage of the human population that is incapable of contracting the HIV virus due to a genetic mutation that does not allow the virus to reproduce. However, unless this is the case with all discordant couples (which is highly unlikely) the virus will likely be passed on with repeated exposure.

You both have chlamydia but you are only each others first?

Chlamydia is spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to an infected woman. Even if you and your partner haven't had sex before, you could have been infected with chlamydia from one of these other activities.

If your infected with gonhera do i mean your partner have it to?

You can get gonorrhea by having sex with someone who has it. "Having sex" means having anal, oral, or vaginal contact. Which means yes you can pass it along to your partner unless you use condoms the right way every time you have sex, but even still the STD can become known.

Can any viruses get transmitted through cunnilingus?

Yes it is possible, but transmission from an infected partner through oral sex is much smaller than the risk of HIV transmission from anal or vaginal sex.

What should you do if sex is terrible with your partner?

I'd suggest looking into the possibility of you both having sex therapy.

How do hepatitis A epidemics occur?

HAV may occur in single cases after contact with an infected relative or sex partner. Alternately, epidemics may develop when food or drinking water is contaminated by the feces of an infected person.

What can't people with STD do?

People with STDs should not have sex and should inform their partner of their disease.

What are some ways you can get aids?

uprotected sex, sharing needles, tattoos, oral sex, anal sex,