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Where, who, when, and how are very important in answering this question. I'm going to answer it in terms of US law, because that's what I'm most familar with, other locations will likely have different rules.

In the US, alcohol per se is legal, or at least not illegal.

It's generally illegal for anyone under 21 to buy or possess alcohol. Local laws vary on whether or not it's illegal for them to consume alcohol; it's also a crime to provide a minor with alcohol in most locations, though exceptions may exist for the minor's parents or legal guardians (in some places, your parents can allow you to, say, have a glass of wine with dinner; in others, even this is technically illegal though it may be unlikely that you'll get caught).

In some locations (referred to as dry), it's illegal to sell alcohol, period. In most locations, only certain businesses are allowed to sell alcohol, and they may be allowed to sell it only at certain times. In some states, the state has a monopoly on alcohol sales; the form this takes varies (it may be on wholesale sales only or the state may actually operate retail liquor stores; beer and wine may be exempt or may not; etc.).

In general, all Alcoholic Beverages sold must be produced under license (and the proper taxes paid). The home brewing of beer or making of wine is usually allowed up to some maximum quantity per year per household under federal law, though states may have more stringent restrictions. Such homemade beverages cannot legally be sold. At one time they also couldn't be given away or even taken off the premises where they were produced, though this has relaxed a bit in recent years.

Some states have laws forbidding home distilling, some don't; there is, however, a federal law requiring distilleries to have a permit (and the requirements for it effectively rule out home distilling for anyone who isn't really dedicated; it can't be performed in a dwelling, for example.)

Some states restrict alcohol content (and may, for example, prohibit beverages containing more than 70% ethanol).

Most states have "open container laws" that prohibit alcohol from being taken off the premises where it was sold unless it is in a closed (and, often, sealed) container. A few do not, but even in these, certain municipalities may have them.

Denatured alcohol... ethanol which has been rendered toxic or at least unpleasant to drink by the addition of other substances (such as methanol or gasoline) is not subject to the same restrictions as alcohol intended for beverage purposes. There are many specific formulae which may be used to produce denatured alcohol, usually designated by the letters SD and a number specifying which particular formula was used.

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13y ago

no. the government already tried making any alcohol illegal but that was miserable fail on their part because it caused people to make their own (moonshine). people will will always drink so and will find new ways to get their alcohol so making it illegal will be pointless. and come on who doesn't love a good few beers every night.

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13y ago

Smoking and excessive drinking probably should be.

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Q: Should beer be illegal
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