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Today was my last day of exams for the semester! This is a very controversial topic. A lot of people believe that exams do not accurately reflect a person's understanding of the subject (due to the time time crunch, pressure, stress, etc), while others believe that those factors are necessary to demonstrate the student's understanding of the material. Personally, I believe that it depends on the style of the exam. Some exams seem very out of line, while others are alright.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

f**k no there shouldnt

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Q: Should exams be removed from high schools?
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The answer is yes.

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To make sure you where listening upto then

Why shouldn't the cahsee be removed?

Cahsee should be removed bigtime it is not really necessary for high schools it is a pain in the butt me, myself I haven't passed it

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yes, different schools requires different scores.

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Your son's school may offer free ACT practice exams. You should talk to the high school counselor.

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Polk spent two years as a teenager in two private schools and learned enough to pass the entrance exams at University of North Carolina. High schools as we know them today did not exist in Polk's day,

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High schools should always have pom squads. They boost school spirit and they're a lot of fun!

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yes they should i mean why wouldnt they

Should have an entrance exam in public school?

well, what kind of public schools are you talking about because many public schools already have entrance exams especially those for honors and smart children. For example, there is an entrance exam for the specialized high schools, for the Gifted & Talented Program, and of course Honors Classes. But if ur talking about normal district zoned schools, then I don't think there should be an entrance exam for those because what about the children who are not very bright? They still need to go to school right? So in my opinion, there shouldn't be entrance exams for all public schools, but for those that target smart and talented children, there should be one so that those children can get more advanced education and won't be held back by their peers who aren't as bright.

Are there rankings for public schools by state?

There are seldom official listings. There are many different ways of rating schools. Some states release the results of standardized tests and rank schools that way. In the US, US News and World Report does a ranking of public high schools based on the types of exams taken.