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In my opinion, you should go with a brace if your sprain is minor. However, if you or your doctor feels it is a bad sprain, I suggest crutches for 2-5 days. After that, if it still doesn't feel better, you might have a worse condition, and should then go to the doctor immediately. Hope this helps!

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Q: Should they give me a brace if i sprained my ankle?
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What to do if you have a sprained ankle hurting even after two months?

If the pain is gradually diminishing over time, don't worry - it will heal. A lot of it depends on your age. When I was 18, I sprained my ankle three times in that one year. It took no longer than two weeks to heal each time. When I was 50, I badly sprained my ankle again. It took five months before the pain was completely gone. If you are a young person, and it still hurts after two months, talk to a doctor. If you are past forty - give it time.

How many days should you use crutches if you sprain your ankle?

Yes as when you have a sprained ankle you can't put pressure on your foot if your foot is severly sprained. I would recomend getting crutches but (if you don't want to wear crutches you can wear an ankle brace where you can get from any store) only use them for about 3-7 days and start trying to walk and do muscle exercises. You can get crutches from a pharmacy/drug store. Hope this helps.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word competing?

We will compete in the finals against their team. Can you compete with that sprained ankle?

Can you still tumble with a mild ankle sprain?

You can, but if you want your ankle to heal quickly then you really should rest it. A sprain is painful, and tumbling will hurt. Plus depending on the intensity of your tumbling, some tumbling (like back-handsprings or tucks) require the tumbler to have strong ankles. When your ankle is sprained, it is not at its full strength. So you need to be careful, because tumbling with your sprained ankle could lead to more injuries. I really suggest that you rest your ankle, put as little weight on it as possible, use ice and heat when needed, wrap it, and give it time. When the pain and swelling goes down a little, start tumbling little by little. You'll be back to tumbling in no time, though, so don't worry. A sprain takes much less time to heal than a fracture does.

Should I give an adamant Gible a Macho Brace when it was level 4 or 5 it was kinda fast but since I gave it a macho brace at level 7 it's so slow what should I do I already took the macho brace back?

Here's some good advice give macho brace to Pokemon that normally will be really fast gible is probably not one of those Pokemon to raise its speed back up use Carbos.

What should you buy your girlfriend as a special present if she looked after you when you broke your ankle?

You can buy her flowers if she likes them, or you can just give her chocolates.

How do you convince a doctor to give you a cast for a sprained wrist?

say it hurts whenever i bend it!

What foot should you wear an aklet on?

Well, if you are wearing a bracelet, too, then it should be on the opposite side to give you a balanced look. :) For example, if you're wearing a bracelet on your left wrist, wear the anklet on your right ankle!

What shoe will give the best ankle support?

Adidas Barricades is the best shoes for ankle support.

Can you give me a sentence that has the word brace in it?

Here are some sentences.Brace yourself for trouble.The old bridge was held up by a steel brace.