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Yes, it must be optional

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Q: Should vaccinations be required or optional for all people in the US?
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Why should vaccines be required?

Not everyone feels that vaccinations should be required. Some people are actually quite against them. However, those that feel vaccinations should be required site that they help prevent the spread of serious diseases.

What can vaccinations do to help people?

vaccinations prevents us from having an specific disease.

Do you have to have travel vaccinations to travel to Jamaica?

You should be up to date on routine vaccinations, like MMR and flu. Special vaccinations that you should get our hepatitis A and typhoid. Some people need hepatitis B or rabies. Consult your doctor for more information.

How often do Afghanistan people get vaccinations?


Should you force people to get vaccinations?

You cant force anyone to do anything. You may want to take into consideration that you should be worried about your own life, and warn people to get vaccinated and if they choose not to, to stop worrying.

Can people touch raccoons?

You risk being bitten or scratched if you attempt to touch a raccoon and a series of rabies vaccinations if it should occur.

Definitions of preventable disease?

A disease for which known cures or vaccinations are available, so that people should not get them or not have a major problem with them. In some parts of the world these safeguards don't happen so a lot of people suffer from these diseases.

Do people in Mexico get vaccinations?

YES, the rich ones

Should I'm be capitalized when it's in the middle od a sentence?

It is optional. Personally i would not, but most people would. This is because most people incorrectly believe that the personal pronoun 'i' must be capitalised at all times. Once again, this is actually optional.

Why are some people against vaccinations?

Because they are idiots , and they are cheap bastards

Is a vaccination necessary and why?

Yes, vaccinations stop people from contracting and spreading diseases.

What kind of medicine practice is preventing people from getting sick?

Vaccinations and inoculations.