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Whether you believe in Jesus is your choice. Some Christians will say that merely because you do not believe, you will be condemned to eternal fire. Some say that a deity who would punish someone in this way just for not believing, is a deity not worth worshipping. Others say that Jesus was not divine, if indeed he really lived, and there is no hell.

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Q: Should you believe in Jesus
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Should you believe in jesus or not?

You should believe in jesus as well as the scriptures , that is your choice , If you want eternal life and salvation or eternal hell.

Should people believe in Jesus as god?

No, because Jesus is the SON of God.

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If you believe in the story of Jesus, then you should know Jesus was God's son.

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All good Christians should.

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I think you are referring to John 14.1, where Jesus told his disciples not to be troubled. Why he told them this, i think is answered in the remainder of that verse, - "ye believe in God, believe also in me." When we truly believe in Jesus, why should be troubled at anything? Jesus loves us!

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Only those who believe in Jesus' divinity and accept his gift of life will be saved. All have fallen short and need a savior, therefore should accept Jesus' grace and be saved regardless of what others say or do. People need to learn to think for themselves. Whether people believe or not does not alter the truth of who Jesus is and of His great love for all people. Jesus' divinity is central to who he is.

What should you believe about Jesus?

A:If you wish to be a Christian, you should believe that Jesus was the Son of God and is, at the same time, equal with God as part of the Trinity. It is not necessary, in order to be a Christian, to believe that the four New Testament gospels are literally true in every thing they say, but most Christians do.If you want to believe what we know about Jesus, you will first have to decide whether to believe that the gospel stories are true. Outside these books, which have a common literary source, we know almost nothing about Jesus.

How many times did Jesus say believe in me?

twice twice

How do you define believe in biblical context?

You should believe on the lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved from your sins and then on you should do what God says and believe him that he take care of you through your tough times you have that is wrong with your life.

What did Jews say about second coming of Jesus?

They simply did not believe in it. They were looking for a Messiah to save the nation from the Roman oppression (Luke 1.74,75); not a Saviour such as Jesus. They thought Jesus was simply a prophet, but some believed he was a devil, so if they did not believe in his first coming, how should they believe in his second coming?

Does ti believe in Jesus?

If the question is: DO YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS, I most certainly do.