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YESSS There is no forgiveness for infidelity. Sex does not happen by accident and if she is willing to share her body with someone else, I doubt she really cares for you. Don't waste your feelings here.

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Q: Should you break up with your girlfriend if she cheats on you with her best friend?
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* break up * give her only a second chance * see a movie with a benficial friend * get drunk

What will you do if your girl friend cheats on you?

If your girlfriend cheats on you, the best thing to do is ask her why she did it and if you ever really meant anything to her, or if she was just using you. If she cheats on you with your best friend, she was obviously trying to get your best friend (or friend or relative or random) in the first place and used you to make them jealous. I would break up with her and explain how heartbroken you are, then move on, nobody wants to love someone who cheats on you, its immature and you deserve a lot better.

You and your girlfriend are taking a break and she kissed your best friend what should you do?

You're jealous, so back to her.

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Hit him

I've been starting to like my ex girlfriend but she's with my friend what should I do?

You had your chance with your ex girlfriend and now she is with your friend and until they break up it's 'hands off.'

Should you break up with your girlfriend if she french kissed your best friend?

It depends, on if they have been doing more and how long..

What if your girlfriends friend tries to break you and your girlfriend up?

The only one that can break you and your girlfriend up is the two of you and if you love each other then communicate about what is happening re the actions of your girlfriend's friend trying to break you up. It is really up to your girlfriend to decide if her girlfriend's bad actions towards both of you are worth keeping her as a friend. There are generally only two reasons for a girlfriend to try to break up her friend and her boyfriend and that is #1 she is jealous you are taking time away from her being with her friend or, #2 she may be in love with you.

What should you do when you like a best friend but he has a girlfriend?

that is a tough one i guess wait for them to break up and be a comforting friend but drop little hints to him about how you feel

What should you do if your ex girlfriend is friends with your girlfriend?

In my opinion you should just keep dating her and if this ends you should break up with her so that there isn't a reason for her to break up with u so u don't look bad and ignore or don't bother her friend.

What should you do if you like a guy who's girlfriend cheats on him for other girls?

Unless he decides to break up with his girlfriend because of his cheating you should probably leave him alone until he becomes available, it's best to just not get involved.

What should i do when i have a girlfriend and i like my Friend?

If you are serious about the relationship and like your girlfriend more than the friend, then ignore the feelings and get over it. If you like the friend more than your girlfriend and the friend likes you, then possibly end the relationship and start a new one with your "friend". Don't be scared to break up with your girlfriend and end up cheating on her. Just remember, if you like your girlfriend more, ignore the feelings and move on; and if you like the friend more and the friend likes you, end the relationship.