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The best option is actually to contact your local department of wildlife or fish and game. They will know what to do or at least be able to tell you where to take the little guys for proper care.

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Q: Should you bring in orphaned raccoons?
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Related questions

How are baby raccoons raised?

For a comprehensive guide to raising orphaned raccoons, click on this link.

Does raccoons have fleas?

Of orse!, its a living breathing mammal with fur!

Why do baby raccoons lose their hair?

I have never experienced any of the orphaned raccoons I have raised losing their hair. It could be either a dietary problem or a problem with a disorder such as mange.

Can raccoons be kept as pets?

I have raised dozens of orphaned raccoons for a wildlife rescue group over the years and do not recommend keeping them as pets. While still babies, they can be quite affectionate and gentle. However, as they mature, their temperament can be unpredictable and they can be vicious. Many states and municipalities prohibit the keeping of any native wildlife.

Are there raccoons in deserts?

Yes, there are raccoons in all the deserts of North America. I live in the Chihuahuan Deserr and do a lot of wildlife work. Over the years I have raised many orphaned raccoons. They do tend to restrict their area to zones close to permanent water, however.

Do you own a raccoon?

No, but I have raised many orphaned raccoons for a local wildlife rescue group and can clearly state that they do not make good pets.

Is it safe to have a baby raccoon?

Only if you are a wildlife rehabilitator and have experience raising orphaned raccoons. Otherwise you will end up killing the animal.

Do you think that a raccoon is ugly?

Having cared for dozens of orphaned raccoons for a local wildlife rescue group, I say that raccoons are beautiful animals but would not recommend then as pets.

How much to feed a baby raccoon?

Click on this link for instructions on caring for baby raccoons. It is best left to professional and permitted wildlife rehabilitators, however.

Do raccoons stink?

I have raised a number of orphaned raccoons for a local wildlife rescue group and, as long as their waste is kept cleaned in their pens, I have never noticed any strong odor from the animals beyond a very faint musky odor.

Does a coyote eat a baby raccoon?

Yes, definitley. Any small mammal. We had baby raccoons are our back deck for the night-as they were orphaned and a coyote came and ate them.=(

Is there anyone in the Veterinary Sciences willing to email back and forth when you need answers on rehabilitating wildlife in particular raccoons procyon lotor?

If you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, you should have a local veterinarian who is familiar with wildlife and willing to work with you pro bono. It is best to contact this person directly. Here is a link that can answer many of your questions about raising orphaned raccoons.