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I think after because if you eat after brushing your teeth the food will taste bad. Also your teeth will just get dirty again.

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Q: Should you brush your teeth before or after eating?
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Should you brush your teeth after eating bananas or should you wait?

about 30 mins after eating a banana.

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Can you brush your teeth before a fasting blood test?

You should ask your doctor if you can brush your teeth before a fasting blood test. Mine has always told me that I could.

Should I take out my false teeth before brushing?

You should remove your false teeth before brushing and rinse them under running water. Then you should brush them both inside and out. You should also gently brush your gums and palate

Tips on how to care of gums and teeth?

Brush your gums and teeth after eating with a softbristled tooth brush (using and up and down bushing motion not side to side) and a little tooth paste.Floss once a day between your teeth before brushing.

Should you use warm salt water to rinse before or after your brush your teeth?

before or after, it depends on your preference

Why you must brush your teeth after eating grapes?

because it is sour and can give pain to our teeth.

Do you brush your teeth or have breakfast first?

You should brush as soon as possible. EDIT: Do NOT brush as soon as possible! Floss and rinse with water as soon as possible, but do not brush just yet. The acid in our food and drink erodes the enamel and minerals that keep our teeth protected. Brushing when these protections are weak damages our teeth and brushes away enamel that can never come back. It is best to wait around 30 minutes before brushing. " Answer also: I saw this in an article: Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking acid beverages or eating acid food can harm the enamel, says the Milenio newspaper of Mexico City. Reporting on a study done at the German University of Gottingen, the newspaper warns that acid foods temporarily weakens tooth enamel." Therefore, brushing one's teeth immediately after lunch can be detrimental. Instead, "it is advisable to wait a few minutes so that the teeth recover their strength." SMILE

Why it is good idea to brush teeth after eating?

it is important to brush your teeth after eating because so you can provent plack build up and not get cavities and also so you dont havebad breath.

What should you do the night before your dental appointment?

I would say, brush your teeth. But that should occur after every meal.

How does the pH in the mouth change after eating?

you take your teeth brush with you and people