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No. He obviously dumped you for a reason and if he hasn't contacted you then he has either moved on or just lost feelings. don't call him let him call you first. if he does then he at least still wants your friendship. a man always want the girl to crack first because we are very weak- minded. show him he's wrong. Please do NOT call him for any reason. It will blow up in your face, and you will be set back in your healing from this relationship. Narcissists and people with strong N traits have no interest in being forgiven and will only view you as weak and trying to get back with him. Just forgive him in your own heart and move on. Even if you think you DO want to get back with him, please resist this urge. It is self-destructive, and he will only use it to further upset and hurt you. They get worse with each "comeback", and if you've done without him for two months, you can keep going. Find some new friends and activities and move on. This man was poison in your life. Good for you for forgiving--it's a big step toward getting over this. But do it from afar.

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Q: Should you call your ex-Narcissist who dumped you two months ago and tell him you forgive him?
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Should you call your ex Narcissist who dumped you two months ago and tell him you forgive him?

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