

Should you color hair before perming it?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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  • because it will take the colour our of the hair
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Q: Should you color hair before perming it?
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Should you color or perm your hair fir st?

perm your hair first, because if you color first the steam from perming will bleach it out.

How soon can color be applied to hair after a perm?

Hair color can be applied to your hair at least 2 weeks after a perm. Alternately if you color your hair first you must wait 2 weeks before perming.

Different test to do before perming and how?

wash your hair

How long should you wait to dye hair after a perm?

don't ever dye your hair right after perming you must wait two weeks after or dye it two weeks before, you must remember perming and colouring hair are the two most damaging things to do to your hair especially if it isn't done correctly, so you must give your hair time to adjust to its new state before doing it any more damage. hope this helps

Is white hair the wisdom hair?

Yes, antique blonde it is also the most resistant to color and perming.

Is it okay to perm your hair and get hightlights?

It is not advised to perm and highlight your hair at the same time. This can cause damage to your hair. Perming can also alter the color of your hair. It would be best to perm your hair and wait a few weeks before adding highlights.

Is crimping better or perming?

Krimping is better than perming because perming uses chemicals that can damage your hair and you have to wait for it to grow out but krimping while it isn't good for your hair is not a bad as perming

What is the best way to perm boys hair?

you should do it during a petticoat punnishment and perming hair be a part of it

Is it possible to perm AND bleach your hair. meaning perming and blaeching the same hair?

yes, chemicals are used when perming and bleaching hair,

When perming your hair should you start from the root or the bottom?

It's rolled from the ends to the roots.

How can a perm damage your hair?

Yes, however only when the person doing the perm does not know what the chemicals in the perm and neutraliser are capable of doing to the hair. Always ensure your hairdresser does a number of hair tests before perming the hair. If the hairdresser has done this and has experience of perming hair, then it will be safe to have a perm.

My hair breaks off REALLY bad in the middle and is super short why is my hair doing this and how can i fix it?

There are several reasons for hair breakage. Medical problems, medications you are taking, over processing with color and styling tools, perming with the wrong perm or leaving it on too long, perming over a relaxer or other perm or vice versa. You have to figure out the problem before you can find a solution.