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if your thirsty... but if your not thirsty u shouldnt because u will probably wet the bed

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Q: Should you drink water before bed?
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Is it good to drink a glass of milk before bed?

Yes. If you are hungry before bed you should drink a glass of milk.

Should you drink before going to toilet before eating food before going to bed etc.?

You should drink water about 5 - 10 minutes before eating. That way you will be less hungry and eat less food. Which will help you lose some weight if you are trying to. Do not drink any water especially cold water during your meal as this will solidify your food when eating and it will become difficult to digest your food. Second of all, you should drink a glass of water just before going to sleep. I'm not quite sure what it does but it helps relax your body. Just drink water 5 - 10 minutes before eating. And when you sleep.

If your trying to get tone should you be drinking protein shakes and should you drink one before bed?

You should alway's drink one before going to sleep and one as soon as you awake.

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How many cups of water should you drink if you lie in bed all day?

About 7 cups of water a day.But if you are ill , you should have more than 7 ,because it is better for you too drink more ,when your unwell.

Why do i wake up in the middle of the night with my feet feeling like they are really dry?

The problem is two fold. First you are dehydrated. You should drink 4 8oz. glasses of water immediately before you go to bed. Second, your skin is not being moisturised properly. You should rub Vaseline all over your feet just before you go to bed too. Don't rub it off before you get into bed though. I know it is messy, but it should help with your problem.

Can you drink liquor before bed?

hell yea

What steps should you do before you take a pregnancy test?

Before going to bed drink a glass of water - when you wake up, use the test with urine from the first time you empty your bladder in the morning - no prep is needed.You might want to read the directions before going to bed - so you are not trying to figure it out early in the morning, while you are half asleep.

How often should you take laxative tea?

It is recommended to drink a laxative tea once a day, preferably at night before you go to bed.

Is dark urine just in the morning a sign of pregnancy?

No, It just means that you have become dehydrated over night and need to drink more water before bed. If you stop have a period then you may be pregant, if this is the case you should see your doctor.

I'm 16 years old and have wet the bet bed for the past 4 days and I'm scared of telling my parents what should I do?

What you need to do is not drink as many liquids or use bathroom before you go to bed.

Why does Benadryl give a hangover?

Benadryl causes a hangover from dehydration, just like alcohol. Drink plenty of water before bed and the hangover effect will be drastically reduced