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I wouldn't, but of course it depends on the lie since if the person was lieing to you about something unimportant, then you should give him/her another chance although 17 months is a long time but if it's a bigger lie like he or she has been cheating on you with another person, then he/she will probably do it again. You need to talk to those close to him/her or who know him/her well and take their opinion about if the person had ever cheated on THEM or lied to THEM. If they say yes, that the person has lied many times before in the past, then he/she will probably do it again in the future. It all depends on you after all and on your decision but remember, be careful about giving him/her another chance if its a big lie, but if its something small and ridiculous, (although I can't imagine how it could be if it had been going on for 17 months) you should let it go and give the person another chance. But only if it doesn't involve other people or huge lies which can lead to nothing but more fighting and loss of peace.

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Q: Should you forgive someone who lied to you for 17 months?
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You have to find this answer yourself. No one here has the information or experience that you do.

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You only be lied to if you listen. Drop the lier.

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Well if the man was your best friend you should forgive him and if he is a stranger well why do you care.

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Trust should be there in every relationship. So, just tell her that you lied to her . If she considers you a good friend she will definitely forgive you and you cans still be friend with her.

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depends on the lie. But, surely if he lied to keep you, he wants you enough to suffer the day to day guilt of lying, to see you every day, and wake up to you?

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it sounds like shes not really your friend. if she were a real friend she never would have done that. you should still forgive her though, everybody deserves to be forgiven. maybe not hangout with her but, ya. Good luck, and keep waiting. you'll find the right guy.

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I thought i was the only one who has had that happen to me. I got back in contact with my mum after 5-6 six years of absolutely no contact about 5 months ago, i found out she had lied to me 99.9 percent of my life and even though i wanted to hate her for it like i'm sure you want too i forgave her. of course its tough to forgive but maybe your mum actually really needs that second chance, my mum told me she wants nothing to do with me like 3 months later so it doesnt always go 100% well either but your first solution should always to be just to forgive.

How do you let go of someone that lied and hurt you?

you have to find the courage to walk away then and only then can you officially let them go.... but it depends on the situation as to why they lied... most times the lie big or small has effected you and its really a personal choice you can continue to deal with them and the situation or simply walk away... it will not be easy for most, you have to value your beliefs... was it unforgivable if so then most def value your beliefs... Except the pain that's all you can do. Forgiving them is also important. You don't have to be involved with them in anyway after you forgive them but if they are truly sorry you should forgive them and walk away from your situation.

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You should forgive a person, but never forget as he broke the bond of trust and unfortunately he doesn't even know what the word 'trust' means. As hurtful as this is to you it's time to move on and leave him behind. He now has a responsibility to his child. If he begs and pleads with you be strong and for your own sake move on. One day you will meet the person you really should be with.