

Should you gauge your ears

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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This is a personal preference and one should consider a few things about it prior to gauging.

First, what size do you plan on going to? A 14g or 10g can be classified as a gauging. If your earlobes can support the size, you can go up to what ever size you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that if you get bored of having large gauge ears, that after a certain size, your ears will only close up with cosmetic surgery.

Second, what do you do for employment, or will be doing in the future? A lot of jobs ban jewelry since they can either pose a safety hazard or interfere with equipment used for the job. If you go large, then you will always have the same issue as wearing rings, but it will be your earlobes. Some states have regulations with the food and medical fields that will not allow such gauging because of possible cross contamination. Though these are rare, you may have to be careful.

Third, what is the community like that you live in? I live in a conservative and very uptight community, and even when I had 00's in, I got funny looks. Even now, with 1" plugs in, I still get the looks, and people are revolted by the notion that I have such large holes in my ears. If you plan on working with people, take that into consideration because that can affect the way people respond.

As I mentioned, it is personal preference, and if you do decide to, then more power to you. If you decide not to, you will have just as much respect. As a note, one thing I have seen is people doing smaller gauges, and then hanging jewelry through tunnels. For that, you don't have to go too large, and you can still wear standard jewelry with it, or good looking plugs/tunnels.

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Q: Should you gauge your ears
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Try buying wooden earrings, or go to a higher gauge. Yes I'm referring to stretching. Try stretching your ears to a 14 or a 12 gauge, and wear wooden earrings. It's better for your ears, natural, and much more difficult for them to heal. You could keep them in for longer and not change them as much.

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No it shouldn't effect the gauge . If you want it to hurt less i suggest getting it done at a piercing shop . They have special creams and lotions that numb and protect your stretched ears from infection .

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How do you closed gauged ears?

To close stretched ear piercings or gauged ears, you can opt for a procedure called a "lobe reconstruction surgery," where excess tissue is removed and the hole is stitched up. This procedure is typically done by a skilled plastic surgeon and results in a more natural-looking earlobe. It's important to consult with a professional to discuss your options and the best approach for your specific situation.

How big is 14g?

14 gauge is 2 sizes bigger than what you would get your ears pierced with (18 gauge). It is the standard gauge for most piercings.

Can plastic surgery close the small holes of pierced ears?

I've only heard of reconstructive surgery for larger gauge ear piercings. Howver, you should look into getting your ears pierced at a larger gauge to remove the scar tissue. That way you could let them heal without the scar tissue stopping you.

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Do you want to make them bigger or smaller?

Can you put barbells in your ears?

Yes you can! Barbells can be used like a regular gauge.