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They can get along fine. Best bet would be to get another female rabbit though. Or you could just get her some toys and treats as rabbits do fine by themselves.

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Q: Should you get a guinea pig for your rabbit as her friend got eaten by a cat and you want a friend for her the rabbit is 3 and a female?
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Female guinea pig you bought one male and one female rabbit to be its friend why doesnt the female rabbit like the female guinea pig?

Actually rabbits an guinea pigs are fine together. But maybe the female guinea pig is felling lonely being the only kind in the cage. Or maybe its because the rabbit just doesn't like the guinea pig. If it's possible you can try getting another female guinea pig or separating the the guinea pig and rabbits.

Can a male rabbit breed a female guinea pig?


What does it mean when a girl rabbit is on top of the boy rabbit?

sex my friend The female is dominant and the male is submissive. How things should be for humans too.

Can rabbits go with guinea pigs?

YesA Guinea Pigs Best-Friend Would Be A Rabbit. Especially If Your Guinea Pigs Fight The Rabbit Will Cause A Nice Connecton Through The Hutch Or Cage !!!!x

If a female guinea pig is pregnant can a male rabbit be in the cage?

Guinea pigs and rabbits should not be kept together, under any circumstances, regardless of their sex. Rabbits can kick and guinea pigs are likely to be injured sooner or later. You could probably allow a rabbit to share a grassy outdoor run with a guinea pig during the day, so long as you have a small den or hiding place for the guinea pig that is too small for the rabbit to get into, but you should never house them together in a hutch or cage.

Can a female guinea pig be in the same cage with a female dwarf rabbit?

Lots of people say rabbits can be kept in the same cage as guinea pigs but it's very dangerous and should never happen. Even if your rabbit is friendly or just a bunny the guinea pig will get bullied. This will also lead to lack of the space and the guinea pig may be stepped on or crowded in the cage. Rabbits need a bigger cage, a bigger run and different medicine and vaccinations which affects the guinea pigs well being. If you are looking for a partner for your piggy try another lonely female or a neutered male. But guinea pigs should always be kept with another guinea pig and no rabbits!

Should male rabbits be removed from the female rabbit if their is kits?

The male rabbit should never be housed with the female rabbit. He should never be introduced to her habitat. To breed she should be taken to his cage and removed after they are done breeding. The male rabbit should NOT be exposed to the kits.

Should you separate your pregnant guinea pig if it lives with a rabbit?

Yes, you should. The rabbit might try to harm the baby guinea pig or try to take it in as it's own. ---- YES! They should not be housed together even if a guinea pig is not pregnant! They can injure each other.

How do you say female rabbit in German?

female rabbit = weibliches Kanninchen female rabbit = weiblicher Hase

Will your male rabbit have offspring with your female guinea pig?

No. No, they're differenc species, and different species don't breed.

Can a Female Rabbit and a Male Guinnea pig live in the same cage?

No, guinea pigs and rabbits should never be housed together. A rabbit has very strong hind legs and can seriously injure a guinea pig, even if it's just being playful. They don't have the same diet requirements. Rabbits are often carriers of bacteria (even if they are healthy themselves) that can kill guinea pigs.

Should a male guinea pig live with a male rabbit?

It really depends on the personality of the dominant creature, in this case the rabbit.