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I assume that you placed several questions about the same problem. I picked out the last one about seeing your Ex with his new girlfriend, in which you ask whether you should get back with him. Let me get this straight: you're jealous because he has a girlfriend and you are alone. If this is correct, then let me explain something. Guys get girlfriends while ex-wives sit around waiting for something to happen. He wants to get back with you? Is that what he told you? And you haven't solved the problems that drove you apart in the first place? I don't know what made you break up in the first place. But I bet it was about a difference of opinion, about money or friends, a difference that you could not resolve. In any relationship you will encounter differences of opinion. That's why I suggest that you read about "Going 'Through' the Problem" in Meyer's "Marriages, Shack-ups and Other Disasters" and find out what it takes to maintain a working relationship.

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Q: Should you get back with an ex that you had no feelings for until you saw him with his new girlfriend and became jealous?
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