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Depends on the church; different ones have different philosophies on this...

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Q: Should you get baptized again after being born again in another Church?
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Does a person need to be baptized again if he or she switch over to another religion?

This depends on the rules of the Church into which you switch. If a person is baptized in a Protestant Christian church, and switches to the Catholic Church, he does not have to be baptized again.

Can a person get re-baptised in the Catholic Church after joining the Church?

If you were baptized in another church, you do not get baptized again. The Church recognizes the one baptism as valid.Roman Catholic AnswerYou may be baptized if the original baptism was not valid. You should check with the priest. If there is some question, they may baptize you conditionally, "if you are not already baptized, I baptize you in the Name of the Father..." as to attempt to "re-baptize" a person is very wrong.

Would a Lutheran need to be baptized again to join a Baptist church?

In most cases no, a Church of Christ member would not need to get baptized again when joining a Baptist church, as long as you were baptized after belief and not as an infant. Baptists believe that baptism is for believers and babies are too young to be believers.

Does Ty pennington go to church?

I believe that Ty Pennington goes to Church whenever he can. I have been praying for him to get borned again in a pentecostal Church and to be Baptized in Jesus name.

Can you be baptized a Christian then again as a Roman Catholic?

First off, Catholicism is the first and foremost Christian religion as founded by Christ. As to your question, you can only be baptized once. If done properly, the Catholic Church recognizes the baptism as valid. If the Church is uncertain if a person was validly baptized, that person will receive a conditional baptism. "If you were not baptized before, I baptize you in the name of . . . ."

Do you need to be babtised again after joining another religion?

some require you to be re baptized if you are changing denominations

A religious sect that rejected the practice of infant baptism limiting church membership to adults baptized after confession of faith?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe anabaptists (means that they baptized again), they are the forerunners of modern day baptists.

If you were baptised in the congregational church and want to convert to the catholic religion do you have to be baptised again?

Most likely not. The Church recognizes the baptism of souls in most Protestant religions as being sacramental. This means they are the same as being baptized in the Catholic church. In order to be sure, talk to your priest or catechist to determine if through the RCIA program you need to be baptized or not.

Your daughter has not been baptised and she's married a Roman catholic now with 2 children they want a christening and ar considering catholic but all the family have been baptised what should she do?

Speak to your local Catholic parish priest. Adults will need to go through a catechism/RCIA course at your local Catholic parish church. Since you have already been baptized, but in another Christian non-Catholic community, you will not be baptized again and instead you will go through another rite called the The Rite of Reception of Baptized Christians into the full Communion of the Catholic Church. I would strongly recommend you to speak to your local parish priest who will be more than happy to advise you.

What is rebaptized?

Being baptized again.

Do you have to be baptized catholic to make 1st communion?

Yes, you do. However, if you are baptized in another Christian religion and desire to become Catholic, you will not be baptized again as catholics recognize the one baptism. You will need to take special classes before receiving communion and confirmation.

Can you receive the sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church if you are baptised in Anglican church?

The Catholic church only recognizes one baptism, therefore, if you were baptized protestant, you do not get baptized again if you convert to Catholicism. You will, however, have to go through classes before being able to receive your first communion. If you do this as an adult, you attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and you will receive your communion and confirmation in the same mass.