

Should you give your 5 month puppy a dewormer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Yes puppies are born with worms and should be dewormed by 3 weeks.

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Q: Should you give your 5 month puppy a dewormer?
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What over the counter wormer should you give a puppy?

I know that you can give puppies over 6 weeks old Safe-Guard® Canine Dewormer, but I have never used it.

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If by puppy cat you mean kitten? Then the answer is usually no, but all worming products tell you quite clearly on the packaging what is a safe age for the animal.

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I am assuming you mean " give a 9 month old puppy his first shots"Well , puppy should have had his first shot at 3 month, depending on the breed, some very small breeds get their shots at 4 month. But better late then never. Take this puppy to the vets as soon as possible, the vet will advise you what is needed and how to proceed.

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you should probably ask an animal doctor.

How much penicillin do you give your 3 month old puppy?

You give the exact amount prescribed by your veterinarian. If your veterinarian has not prescribed penicillin for your puppy, you should not give any to your puppy. Penicillin is a drug with known side effects, including severe gastrointestinal bacterial infections from killing off the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

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No, you should never give a dog or puppy of any age a pork bone, because if they swallow it, obviously, this will be very harmful to them and the bone can splinter. The actual pork meat would be ok to give to them.

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Puppy chow.

How much liquid wormer do you give a 10 week old puppy?

First of all do you know what type of worms your puppy has? You should also weigh your puppy. Get on your scale and weigh yourself first, then get the puppy and weigh both of you. Subtract the weight of yourself alone from the weight of you and the puppy and you will get the weight of your pup. The instructions for how much to give your pup is on the bottle of the dewormer. They use terms such as ml which is the same as 1cc in a syringe. If you do not know what you are doing, take your pup into see your Veterinarian and also take in a stool sample from your puppy. If you do deworm at home, be sure to repeat the deworming in 10-14 days.