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i was on my period for nine monthes and had the heavy with bloodclots and to be honest i almost died you are probally aneimic like i was and they had to give me a blood transfusion so if i was you i would definatly go soon to ensure your not stuck in the hospitial like i was.

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Q: Should you go to the emergency room if you have been having your period for 6 months with heavy bleeding and blood clots as well as cramping?
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If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

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Well this question isn't very specific. Could be your on your period? If you are pregnant then you need to go to the emergency room immediately you are probably having a Miscarriage

Should i be cramping or bleeding?

It's normal if you are having a period, but not for any other reason. If you aren't menstruating, or if you are but the cramping lasts more than a couple of days, you need to see a doctor.

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It can happen but if you start cramping, having a lot of discharge, bleeding, or passing clots you should call your Dr or go to the ER right away.

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You shouldn't be having a period while pregnant. If you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping you should contact your Dr right away or go to the ER.

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yes maybe ur pregnant

If you are having extreme bleeding could you be having a tubal pregnancy?

There are lots of reasons that you could be bleeding, but if the bleeding is excessive, please, please see a doctor. The doctor will be able to help you if it is an emergency.

Pain and bleeding at 14 weeks whats happing to me?

You need to call your doctor or midwife, to see if they want you to be evaluated. Depending on the amount of bleeding and the severity of the pain, you could be having a miscarriage or you could be having placenta issues. Bleeding and cramping in the second trimester is not normal.

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Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.

Im 6 weeks pregnant you have a lot of pain and very crampy should you go to the hospital?

Having cramping is normal my doctor told me, im 8weeks almost nine and i still get very very bad cramping. The cramping is due to stretching of the uterus so the baby can grow! However if there is bleeding you should immediatley go to the hospital, because that is a sign of a of luck to u.

You are 15 weeks along am cramping and bleeding have had a brown muck-is looking clots come out am I having a miss carriag?

Unfortunately, that sounds like you are...

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Symptoms of miscarriage include but are not limited to: heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, cramping, loss of pregnancy symptoms, dizziness, and abdominal pain. If you feel that you could be having a miscarriage or have any type of bleeding during pregnancy you should call your Dr. If you are having heavy bleeding (more than 1 pad per hour), back/shoulder pain, smelly discharge, yellow/green discharge, or fever you should go to the ER immediately.