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I am not a medical professional but as a knowledgeable layperson (first diagnosed with intermittent atrial fibrillation in 1998 and having a pacemaker since Aprol of 2008) I will try to answer.

First off, the word is "defibrillator"; so called because it shocks the heart in attempt to "reset" the primary pumping chambers of the heart (the ventricles) in order to stop them from "fibrillating" - i.e. randomly twitching instead of producing a coordinated beat. If your ventricles are fibrillating then your heart is not pumping your blood. If that condition is not corrected within approximately 3 minutes your brain starts to die. Not long after you will be clinically dead.

No device is actually implanted IN your heart. The device is implanted under the skin of your upper left chest slightly below your collar bone. An implantable device does the same thing the big paddles you see being used on medical programs. The only difference is that instead of having to send the electrical energy through your skin and chest wall, the electrical current is conveyed through small wires threaded through the main return vein into your heart. It takes a WHOLE lot less energy to shock the heart from inside than from outside your body. A device to shock your heart from the inside is called an Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD).

Whether or not to have an ICD implanted is a question for you and an electrophysiologist (EP)to answer. EP is a sub-specialty of Cardiology concentrating on electrical problems of the heart. I love my EP to death and would do anything in the world for him.

The first person to ask about this is your Cardiologist. If you are not already working with a Cardiologist then why are you asking such a question? But if you do not have a Cardiologist then you need to get your Primary Care Doc to recommend a good one. Ask him/her who they would refer their CHILDREN to.

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