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Q: Should you have a limit on how many kids you can have?
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What is the limit of kids a woman can have in a lifetime?

it should be about 35

How many kids are you allowed in turkey?

No limit

How many kids can you have in Belgium?

There is no such limit as to how many kids a parent can have in Belgium. One may have none while another may have 15.

Dont you think kids shouldn't use this site?

Double negative. You are asking: Do you think kids should use this site? They do. Why limit it?

Is there a limit on how many siblings can go to one school?

Should not be a limit.

How many presents do you have for kids?

When I was young my parents had a limit of 3 presents, with a limit of 300 dollars. My mom's excuse was that is all Jesus needed.

How many kids should you have?

no more than two. kids are moneysuckers you should have as many as u want

How many kids exercise?

not as many as should

How many kids can a 14 year old watch at the same time?

There is no "right" number to how many kids one can babysit, so it's completely up to you! I'm thirteen, and my limit is 4, so I know I can keep track of them... set your limit on how many you're comfortable with! Good luck!

Should 11 year old kids have a cell phone?

Yes, but there should be a monthly limit on how much the phone bill can be. Like 20 dollars or so.

How many babies can you have on sims 2 pets?

There is no limit to the amount of kids your Sim can have in any of the games, the female Sim can have as many kids as she wants during the 28 days it takes for them to become elders, the only limit is that only eight Sims can live on one lot at a time.

How many bridesmaids should you have?

There is no limit at all to the amount of bridesmaids you can have.