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Q: Should you have sharp pieces of tooth in the extraction area?
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Is coffee okay to drink after tooth extraction?

yes should take cold not hot on the day of tooth extraction

How long will it take the tooth to come in after an extraction?

well unless your having a baby tooth extracted there should be no other tooth that comes in.

Can I eat after tooth extraction?

You can definitely eat after a tooth extraction. You should eat liquid or very soft foods on the opposite side of the extraction.

How much should a tooth extraction cost in Oregon?

Should be no more than 100.00 dollars

Can a upper tooth extraction effect sinus?

Yes, the extraction of an upper tooth can affect the sinuses.

Is it normal to bleed after 48 hours of extraction?

No, if you are still bleeding 48 hrs after a tooth extraction, consult your dentist. If it is another type of extraction, your question should be more specific.

Is it bad to eat beans after a tooth extraction?

People dont get their tooth before, 45, so they should avoid hard stuff.

Can you get a massage after your tooth extraction?


Is your tooth extraction infected?

A tooth extraction can get an infection. A dentist or doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

Why is there still pieces of tooth in your gums after your wisdom tooth extraction?

i had my number 15 tooth extracted exactly a week ago today, and i still continue to have pain. i can also feel with my tounge, little sharp pieces/shards in the extaction area. i think the are pieces of my tooth still in the gum from when the dentist was gutting the tooth in half. i have even pulled a little pices of the shards out and i think that the shards are making the extraction area not heal well... i cant drink anything cold or i will drop to my knees in severe pain. i am not sure what to do either...

Can you show me the instructions for after care of an extraction?

It depends on what kind of extraction you are speaking of. Is it a tooth extraction? A menstrual or abortion extraction?

How is extraction used in a sentence?

the tooth extraction was done by an oral surgeon. (: