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This is strictly a personal choice, for the knitter and/or for the proposed recipient.

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Q: Should you knit buttonholes or put in zipper?
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How do you Straighten out a metal zipper on a sweat shirt after its been through the drier?

Zippers are usually wavy because the clothing shrinks while the zipper fabric and the actual zipper don't. Put a rag or some thin cloth over the zipping fabric and iron it, that should fix it.

What do you put on a zipper to make them slide?

Solid candle wax.

How do you know if Prada Milano handbag is authentic?

First you need to look on the inside, the interior should say prada all over on the inside. Then check the zipper, it should be a bit bigger than a normal zipper. You can also put a bobby pin up to the prada emblum, it is magnetic.

How do I fix a separated zipper on my jeep soft top rear window?

If the zipper is separated from the top fabric you can sew it back on, but if the zipper puller is separated you can order a new one as a zipper repair kit and put a new one on there, the stopper for the bottom is included in the kit so it wont come off again. The process of getting that new puller on there can be a bit frustrating so be patient. There is a guide at the bottom of each zipper track, the easiest way to get the new one on is to remove that guide ( what you put the two sides into to start zipping it up ). then start in the fabric and run the new puller up the top side ( not window side ) of the zipper, then replace the guide. ( cripms on ) then it should work as normal.

How does each newton's laws used by the zipper?

Newton's Law 1::If you don't pull the zipper it stays at rest Newton's Law 2::How fast you pull the zipper and how much it ways determines the force Newton's Law 3::When you zip up a zipper the force you put on it defines gravity

How do you put on pant?

To put on pants, hold them with the zipper facing away from you in front of you. Place one leg in the appropriate leg of the pants until it goes out the hole at the bottom. Now, do the same with the other leg. Pull the pants up and zip the zipper and button the button. If pants do not have a zipper and button (example: elasticized waist), make sure the front is facing away from you, put each leg in as described and pull them up.

What is the most common knit stitch used for beginners?

The most common knit stitch used for beginners is... wait for it... the knit stitch! The other most common knit stitch is called the purl stitch. These are the two basic stitches in knitting and when they are put together in different ways, they create different patterns! When you knit every row, that's called the garter stitch and when you knit one row and purl the next row, that's called the stockinette stitch.

How do you knit one in knitting when the pattern does not say with a left or right increase?

when you knit, you will notice a bar, or a horizontal line if yarn between the stitch. you want to pick that bar, twist it and put it on your needle.

How do you knit your final stitches?

the final stitches are called the bind off. you knit 2 then put the first stitch over the other and drop it off the needle. knit another and put the second stitch over the third . keep doing this across the row. on the last stitch, cut the yarn and thread it through thelast stitch. you have just bound off your last row.

How do you stop the edges of your knitting from rolling in?

You can either add a few rows of garter stitch (which is knit every row) or you can do a few rows of ribbing (which is knit 1, purl 1). One of my favorite boarders to put on sweaters or scarves is the seed stitch (knit 1, purl 1 to the end of the row and turn your work, then you purl the knit stitches and knit the purls and you just keep repeating that every time you turn your work)

What is a honeycomb knit?

Knitting is a combination of stitches put together. See related link for a few patterns and video examples.

What is the zipper on the inside of the messenger bag for?

I assume your referring to the the zipper to the top of some messenger bags... If so, the zip is there is ensure that the contents that the owner of the bag may put in remains inside the bag and does not spill out. Other zippers that connect to pockets are however present for organizational purposes.