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Knowing C (or indeed any other language) will make learning Python slightly easier but Python is an easy language to begin with. Therefore learn Python first. Also, it's best to learn C++ before learning C.

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Q: Should you learn any of the C languages first or should you learn Python first?
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You have zero programming experience which language should you learn first?

I would personally learn Python because it teaches you about all of the important information and techniques of programming but doesn't have the complexity of languages like C++. They teach Python in schools now because of its friendly and simple concepts.

When was the first python array written?

Python is a high level computer programming language. It allows programmers to use clearer code with fewer lines that other languages. A Python array is a method to store data. Whilst it is impossible to precisely date when the first python array was written, development work started on the language in December 1989.

Is python better than java?

they are two completely different languages, and are ment for two different purposes. python can do things that java can't, and java can do things that python can't. the python languages is a scripting language, and is also built for being easy to use. its a great language to learn if it is your first time learning a language. java is built for the web. sometimes you see java-applets in web sites. java powers these. java's syntax is simular to c++. each language has pros and cons, and mattering on what you are trying to achieve, different languages can help.

Which is the first programming language that you should learn?

You should definitely learn C first, as pretty much all modern programming languages are based off of it. But if you wanted something easier, you could learn python, which happens to be based off of C. After C you could learn C++, as it is widely used but less so each year. HTML CSS and PHP would be good if you wanted to program web stuff. Then there's Objective-C (my first language) for iPhone, and Java for enterprise and android and such. .Net and C# for windows.

Should the first letter of mathematics be a capital?

No, mathematics does not need to be capitalized. As far as I'm aware, the only studies that need to be capitalized are languages.

Why would you choose Python over another language?

Ease of Learning This is the first and the foremost reason. In fact, it is the major reason behind so many people giving preference to Python over other programming languages. The complete structure of this language is explicit and therefore for beginners it can be a cakewalk.

Should you learn Portuguese prior to learning Spanish?

I think an English speaker should learn Spanish first. It's easier, but they're very similar languages, so what you learn will be highly transferable to learning Pguese.

If you want to write Programs for Windows what programming language should you learn first?

You can go knee deep and start learning the more difficult C++ or start by learning an easier one like Lua or Python. I have started learning C++ but have experience in Python, Javascript and Visual Basic which helps slightly.

What is learned first is learned best?

There is no single best language to learn first. A variety of languages could be proposed as a first language, and most of them have been. If you only want to do one thing, you can just start with the language you want to use for that purpose (JavaScript for web, Objective-C for iPhone apps, etc.). For learning to program, in general I think that Python is a good first language, as it is simple, powerful, and popular. Peter Norvig, Director of Research at Google, recommends Python or Scheme. Trevor Blackwell, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, recommends Python. Eric Raymond, a noted programmer and open-source advocate, also recommends Python as a starting language. The idea behind recommending Python and similar languages is that the beginning programmer can spend more time thinking about what they actually want to accomplish, and less about the details of Java or C++ (e.g. "public static void main(String[] args)"). Also, despite being easy to learn, Python is a language that is actually used (by Google and NASA, for example).

Is it ok to keep a burmese python in with a royla python?

No. A Burmese python can grow to 5-7 feet in their first year which already exceeds your ball python's TOTAL adult length.

Where was the python going in Harry Potter?

In the first book, the python Harry frees is going to Brazil

Should you kiss him or should he kiss you?

Whoever wants to do it first, should do it. Doesn't really matter who does it first.