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Q: Should you use hot or cold compress for a sebaceous cyst that has been drained and packed with infection?
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Should you use a hot or cold compress on a swollen lip?

I have just learned that if you have an infection you should NOT use heat. The reason being is that it draws the infection out, and encourages it to spread. Cold is the way to go if you are going to use a compress (although it may be difficult. I know that a warm compress has helped me more than a cold compress.)

Can a hot compress make the pus go down?

A warm compress is used to draw pus to the surface and onto the compress material. It should be as warm as bearable, rather than too hot to cause scalding. Change the compress frequently, and only use a new compress as a replacement. Don't wash and reuse a compress to avoid further infection.

How long you use a hot or cold compress maximum?

Hot compress should be use 5-10mins. It should alternately do with the cold compress for a better result.

What should happen when a boil starts to drain?

A boil is a deep infection of the hair follicle caused by bacteria. They may burst and drain on their own, but some that are at risk of serious complications should be incised and drained.

Your mom banged her leg and developed an immediate hematoma should it be drained to not get an infection or should you leave it alone The hospital said to leave it alone but she is in a lot of pain?

I'd listen to the hospital get her some pain medication if she doesn't have any and have her relax

How do you remove a tank full of fuel?

The tank should be drained before removal. The fuel must be drained into an approved container.

Can water on the knee be drained with a sterile needle?

If you are thinking of doing this yourself DON'T! See your doctor and indeed they will use a needle to 'aspirate' (suck up the excessive water.) You should NEVER play around with this or you could get infection.

What can happen to a sebaceous cyst if it is ignored?

It is a benign condition, but if it is getting infected or getting bigger it should be removed.

How often should an in ground pool be drained and given a chlorine bath?

I cant see why it should be drained and given a chlorine bath at all. If there is no problem with the water or the looks of the pool leave it alone.

I have some post operative swelling should I use a hot or cold compress?

Cold compress or ice pack (frozen peas or something else similar).

Should you Use a warm compress when caring for any wound?

warmth tends to breed bacteria. Only use a warm compress AFTER a wound is dressed.

What should I use hot or cold compress for unknown reason for ankle and foot swelling?

Swelling should always be treated with COLD compress, not hot. But if the swelling persists or returns, see a doctor to find out what is causing it.