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Q: Should you wait eight hours to drive after drinking alcohol?
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How long should you stop drinking before going to work?

Between stopping drinking and leaving for work, you should allow at least eight (8) hours, like for sleep. This will give your body time to process the alcohol, eliminate it from your blood, and for your body to recover from the mild poisoning the alcohol causes.

How many children die of drinking alcohol?

On average, eight teenagers die each day due to alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes.Consumption of alcohol in excess of four to five drinks or more is considered binge drinking. The consumption of alcohol in this manner results in 1,300 deaths each year, making it the third leading cause of death among teenagers.

Can drinking rubbing alcohol make you go blind?

Yes, drinking rubbing alcohol can cause blindness. Rubbing alcohol contains isopropyl alcohol, which is toxic when ingested and can lead to severe health issues, including damage to the optic nerve and blindness. It's crucial to seek medical help immediately if rubbing alcohol has been consumed.

Is tequila easier on your liver since it comes from a natural source?

No. Most alcohol comes from natural sources. If you are drinking then have one drink of your choice followed by one eight ounce glass of water. This helps to flush out the kidneys. Alcohol dehydrates the body rapidly.

Why do people have alcohol?

Alcohol has been produces by humans around the world for at least eight to ten thousand years. It has been used for energy and nourishment, conviviality, religious purposes, to increase the pleasure of eating, to elevate mood, as a safe alternative to unsafe drinking water, and many other functions.

Can you do a webshow even if you are eight?

You can do anything if you are eight, even drive!

If you go to bed very drunk is it normal to wake up a little drunk?

Yes. Alcohol is metabolized at a rate specified by YOUR body. If your BAC (blood alcohol level) is high enough, you will not be able to metabolize all of the alcohol just by sleeping it off for a couple hours. If you drink that much, I suggest that you might have an alcohol problem and should probably seek help. Simply put, it takes about an hour for the average person to metabolise a unit of alcohol. If you consume eight units of alcohol, you will need about eight hours to clear your system. This varies from person to person.

How many hour will it take to drive from New york city to Williams burg Virginia?

Without traffic it should take about eight hours.

How much weight can you use drinking eight cups of water?

as much as you want

What is an eight drug plus alcohol test?

Common drug screening test most major company's will make you take before they hire you, also common when you go to get DOT approved to drive commercial vehicles for companys.

How long does it take to drive between oxfordshire and Edinburgh?

About eight hours.

How tall do you have to be to drive in a car?

eight foot four