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not if you trust her :)

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Q: Should you worry if your girlfriend is alone with a friend?
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If your friend's dad just died and your girlfriend spends the night at his house to comfort him should you be worried?

Women of all ages have nurturing instincts and it appears she wants to help your friend deal with the death of his father. You had the opportunity to spend the night there along with her and perhaps you should have. If the three of you were good friends then no, you should not worry about your girlfriend spending the night at your friend's house.

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absolutely nothing. don't worry about it

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Don't worry about it, she's your girlfriend, not his. start nphrox Also if u stay w her he won't go after her..... let them talk about it....(he will leave you alone if you to are together.. if he does he's scum and talk 2 him NPHrox

What does it mean when your girlfriend says I love you to her close male friend?

It shouldnt be hard to tell but it up to you to decide 'how' she said it. they are most likely just friends, i dont think you should worry :) friend- 'You do know that I love you right??' friend 'Oh my gosh! i LOVE you! :)' friend- 'love ya'

Why your ex still hopes to be friend with you in the future and she is dating someone else?

Simple. She loves you as a friend but not romantically. If she still wants to be friends and hangout it's because she enjoys your company. I have been in love with my best friend for over a year, but they only love me as a friend. If you still love her as a girlfriend or even just as a friend, you should be friends with her. Don't worry about her new boyfriend, at least you have her friendship which can be just as rewarding as a romantic relationship. If you don't like her at all then tell her to leave you alone and find another friend.

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If the man is really gay then he's gay and not interested in women so your girlfriend is safe with him and you shouldn't worry. However, your girlfriend still has no right to stay out all night with any man gay or not. You should communicate directly to her calmly that you would never do this to her (if you had a lesbian friend.)

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Do you really want to do that to your friend? Would you want him asking your girlfriend out? Unless that's just the kind of friendship you have, I would back off and let your friend enjoy his girlfriend without worry that you're going to try and step in and steal her away.

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not worry about it. its ur ex

How make your girl friend miss you?

For one why would you you want your girlfriend to miss you,youre supposed to spend time with her.

What does it mean that a boy says he can be your friend but he's already had a girlfriend?

Well that he would like to be your friend that he him self trusts you don't worry because maybe he will use you to help him or something of that sort