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No. The vast majority of bariatric surgeries are completed with no complications. She wouldn't want you worrying about it and you don't need to worry about it.

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Q: Shoule I be worried if my mother is having bariatric surgery?
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Related questions

What are the downfalls of having bariatric surgery?

You can have a number of long term problems after bariatric surgery. Commonly dehydration and nausea are a problem for patients afterwards.

Where can I find out more about san antonio bariatric? is a good website to find out more about having bariatric surgery in San Antonio, Texas. The site can answer all of your specific questions about having your surgery in that area.

Can the bariatric surgery complications be avoided?

Bariatric Surgery should be preformed only if you have unsucessfully tried to lose weight on you're own and cannot suceed. Do not overeat after having the surgery or you're stomach could burst.

Where to find statistics for bariatric surgery online.?

If you are thinking about having this type of surgery then it is smart to try to find a lot of information about it. One great website is : This will give you a lot of information about bariatric surgery.

What are the benefits of having bariatric surgery done to myself?

If you are at an appropriate weight for the surgery, then bariatric surgery can be a catalyst for greater weight-loss choices. The mere fact that your body is carrying less weight will make it easier to begin exercise.

What is the criteria for having bariatric surgery?

You should only consider bariatric surgery when all other avenues have failed. If you are morbidly obese and have been for at least five years and cannot lose the weight through exercise or diet.

Who is a candidate for bariatric surgery and what are the risks involved in weight loss surgery?

"You could be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you are having health problems due to your weight and you also cannot lose weight no matter how hard you try. The risks are that you may get an infection, or you may even die."

Where can I find out more about bariatric surgery support groups? is a good website if you are looking for support groups after or prior to having bariatric surgery. There are many support group websites that are located in different areas depending on your location.

Some Risks of Bariatric Surgery?

The most popular bariatric surgery is the gastric bypass. While having this type of surgery may involve some risks, it can help you to lose weight and to reduce the threats of serious health challenges. The risks bariatric surgery present includes infections, bleeding and some people may react to the anesthesia. However, there are complications that may arise from the surgery. Some problems associated with bariatric surgery may include kidney stones and gallstones, bleeding stomach ulcers, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals and reactions to certain foods. Other severe risks of bariatric surgery include blood clots and death on rare occasions.

What to do if your worried about having an operation?

talk to your doctor about the risks involved. they may be minor, and many other people have probably had the same surgery you are having. if that is the case, you have no need to be worried because the surgery is a common one with little complications

Facing Surgery with a Bariatric Nurse?

Choosing to undergo bariatric surgery can be a frightening and uncertain time. Having a competent bariatric nurse by one's bedside both before and after the operation can help a person's mental wellness during the entire process. A skilled nurse should know the precise details about the surgery and answer the patient's questions if he or she should have any prior to going through the procedure. Even more, a good bariatric nurse will know how to take care of the patient after the surgery and help that individual with pain management and other recuperative matters to help that patient recover quicker.

What are the advantages of having the bariatris surgery?

The main advantage of bariatric surgery is rapid weight loss. The weight loss is not always permanent, and there are risks with any surgery. It is best to talk about the options with your family physician to determine whether surgery is right for you.