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If you break a banana in half, you will see dark spot in the centre. A fun fact about bananas is that they can be sectioned like an orange if you are very careful in breaking it apart. When you section the banana you will better see the seed.

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Do all the seeded fruit have such big seeds like mango?

of course not! don't be silly. look at the seeds of banana and kiwi

What do you call banana seeds?

Vestigial. You can see what might have become seeds inside the banana, but they no longer can function as seeds. Bananas are not propagated through the growing of plants from seeds. They are propagated (reproduced) by taking root cuttings, or by transplanting chorms, objects that look a lot like bulbs, that form at the roots of the plant.

Why banana is considered a good example of parthenocarpy?

In botany, parthenocarpy is the natural or artificial induced production of fruit without fertilization of ovules. The fruit is therefore seedless just like banana. In banana, seeds are not produced. Thus, banana is considered as a good example of parthenocarpy.

Where can I find seeds for growing banana pumpkinsThey are shaped like a banana and have light yellow skins?

in the Sahara desert, ive been there and stayed for about a month, no water. that is what i survived on, banana pumpkins. true story! hope you enjoyed my life completion.

Do plantain banana's grow from seeds?

No. Banana plants (They are not called trees) do not grow from seeds. It is because they lost their ability to produce seeds a very very long time ago (It is not known if they ever produced seeds). So they are grown by a vegetative mode of propagation. It is something more like replacing the older plants. Banana plants grow from rhizomes or bulbs. In this way, the original plant is replaced (Banana is a perennial plant which replaces itself).

What food does a mynah eat?

rice and fruits like banana they cant eat seeds cause they cant break it up

Does a bananna have seeds?

Wild bananas do in fact have seeds. These seeds are just a bit smaller then a peanuts. Domestic bananas or the bananas you are use to buying in the stores are way smaller then peanuts. Normally a small black seed like a watermelon.

Why are bananas seedless?

The most widely eaten variety of banana, the Cavendish, does not have seeds. It is a mutant which is cultivated precisely because people prefer not to have seeds in their bananas (just as they like seedless grapes, watermelons, etc.). However, bananas with seeds do exist. All fruit originally have seeds, because that is the evolutionary purpose of fruit, to get animals to disperse the seeds of the plant. Fruit are not going to evolve unless they serve some purpose for the plants upon which the fruit grows. However, you can get a seedless mutation, and since we humans like the seedless fruit, we cultivate it.

Which TV show do you like to watch mostly, and why?

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Is it safe to eat sweet pepper aka banana pepper the seeds from 3 or 4 sweet yellow or orange or red peppers a day?

I dont see why not, as long as you dont have acid reflux.

How is banana cell looking like?

Looking like a banana?