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I am a person who believes that nature gives out little signs. I have a really good observation since childhood. The earliest I can remember is at age of around three or three and a few months. Anyhow, back to breaking glass. I probably experienced broken glass many times, the first time I picked a message was 9 years ago. The glass mug broke right in front of me and I felt like a big problem/mishappening was prevented by the broken glass. I did not thought about it to feel this way, something made me feel relieved and felt strange too!! After that I started noticing. I am like all other human beings, sometimes not careful, but glass breaking happens to me maybe twice, thrice a year. Today, I am sharing this, because I experienced something yet again for the second time. I was talking to my mother on phone. In my culture we have arranged marriages. Anyhow, a few years ago I fell in love with a man from other community. My parents did not agree. I am still not married but I still love him, and he still loves me. And today I told my mother that I will only marry him and no one else. My mother hang up on me. I called my boyfriend not to tell him what happen but because he was at the airport to catch a flight. Anyhow, as soon as I hung up a perfectly placed glass fell and broke. I called my mum back, but my dad answered, my mum was crying and would not talk to me. Again I felt something horrible or bad has been prevented, this feeling I can not exactly put into words but can only feel it, strange!!

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Q: Signs and omens what does breaking glass mean?
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