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Q: Skin color in humans is an example of a phenotypic trait that is determined by polygenic inheritance. Three separate gene loci determine skin color (P Q and R) where each gene locus has an additive?
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When one gene controls two or more phenotypic traits?

polygenic inheritance

A characteristic of an organism that is determined by many genes?

The terms used to describe a number of genes on separate loci on the same chromosome (or another chromosome) which together determine a single phenotypic trait are polygene, multiple factor, multiple gene inheritance or quantitative gene.

What is inheritance determined by the interaction of two or more pairs of genes?

Polygenic inheritance.

What is Polygenic Inheritence?

Polygenic inheritance is the phenotypic expression of a trait involving the interaction of many genes.

What terms refers to a situation where a single phenotypic character is determined by the additive effects of two or more genes?


What is it called when the phenotype is determined by more than two unlinked loci?

Polygenic inheritance.

What type two or more genes control a trait?

Polygenic trait

How genes affect characteristics?

It is a polygenic character

What is the term that refers to the determination of a given trait that is a result of the interaction of many genes?

"Polygenic" is the term that refers to the determination of a given trait that is a result of the interaction of many genes. Traits such as height, skin, color are polygenic. Polygenic traits do not show the phenotypic ration that charecterizes Mendelian Inheritance eventhough the trait is inherited as stated by Gregor Mendel. Many Polygenic traits are often influenced by the environmental factors.

When a trait has more than two alleles how is the trait inherited?

When more than two alleles are involved in the inheritance of a trait, it is called polygenic inheritance. Many quantitative characters have polygenic inheritance. Inheritance of blood groups is an example of polygenic inheritance in human being.When more than two alleles are involved in the inheritance of a trait, it is called polygenic inheritance. Many quantitative characters have polygenic inheritance. Inheritance of blood groups is an example of polygenic inheritance in human being.

What is id polygenic inheritance?

Polygenic inheritance is when a group of gene pairs act together to produce a trait.

What type of inheritance is eye color?

polygenic inheritance