

Slave trade and its importance to the south?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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southern states best crops were labor intensive and people who owned farms could not do it alone leaving a great need for slaves

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Q: Slave trade and its importance to the south?
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What was the importance of the decline in the slave trade?

German East Africa

Who took control to slave trade in 1713?

No one took control. It was an all south trade with slave markets.

What was the importance of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

The importance of the Atlantic Slave Trade was that it help the colonists in the US. For example, the Africans did hard labor which they were paid less than average payment. Also, it helped the Southern Colony, because the colony runs on plantations.

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L. W. Spratt has written: 'A series of articles on the value of the union to the South' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Politics and government, Secession 'Speech upon the foreign slave trade, before the Legislature of South Carolina' -- subject(s): Slave trade 'The foreign slave trade' -- subject(s): Slave-trade

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The five states that were suppliers in the internal slave trade were Virgina, North and South Carolina, and Gerogia.

Did the Atlantic slave trade begin in South Africa?

No, it was from the western countries.

What is the significance of the proximity of slave trade centers to the cotton growing plantation?

Because the location of the slave trade centers in the south the slaves were able to provide the labor to produce the cotton.

What is the significance of the proximity of slave trade centers to the cotton-growing plantations?

Because the location of the slave trade centers in the south the slaves were able to provide the labor to produce the cotton.

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Kind of trade that could not be prohibited before 1808?

slave trade

What state stood at the forefront of the movement to reopen the Atlantic slave trade?

South Carolina