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Marijuana is fat soluble, so it will stay in your body for up to 30 days after doing some. You most likely wouldn't pass.

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Q: Smoked weed 9 days before a drug test but it the first time in 2 months should you pass?
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about 2 months.

You smoked weed for the first time yesterday in 2 months when will you be clean?

it usually takes about 90 days to clear your system.

What hapens if you smoke weed?

What happens is if you have never smoked weed before you will either not feel any diff or you will get hit with it really hard, but its most likely that you will not feel anything. i have smoked it before and the first time i dont remember if anything happened its been so long since the first time i cant remember. but depending on how old you are you should not do it if you are younger then 14

You smoked 5 hits on July 4 today is the 28 is the weed out of your system this is your first time smoking in years?

yes you should be able to pass a basic u/a test easily ive smoked 7 days before one and passed depends on how much you weight and sweat if you work outdoors

I smoked weed for the first time in 5 months and 3 weeks later had a urine drug test i am 5'2 and 180 pounds should i be fine?

You should be, normally it only takes 2-3 days to leave your system unless you are a regular user then it can take a month or so.

How long before you can pass a drug test when you smoke marijuana?

It all depends on how much you smoke and how often. If you only smoked once for the first time it should only take about a week. if you smoke every day for a month it will tke about three - five weeks. But it will always be in your blood.

How old was Bill Kaulitz when he first smoked?

I heard that he was sixteen.No they were a lot younger, like 10-12. Before TH.

What is the quickest way to clean your system completely of marijuana. i have about 2 months before my first drug test. i havent smoked in a week but i used to smoke about 2 blunts worth a day.?

There is no magic way to "clear your system" of marijuana. As long as you don't use again before the test, you'll probably be okay.

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She should be 6 months old and above. She'd probably be pregnant for 28-32 days.

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Yes! A therapy should be spayed (preferably) before her first heat cycle, at around 5-6 months of age.

You smoked a week ago for the first time in a month how much longer should you wait before taking a drug test?

20-30 days depending on the amount. you can fail MJ very easy, 30 days is safest.