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No. Cardiac muscle fibers.

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What types of fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

What types of muscle are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

What type of muscle fibers are there?

You have three types of muscle fibers. 1) Skeletal muscle fibers. 2) Cardiac muscle fibers. 3) Smooth muscle fibers.

Muscle sphincters are composed of what two types of muscle fibers?

Smooth Muscle Fiber

Three types of muscle and give an example for them?

Cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles.the three types of muscle in the body: cardiac (heart), skeletal (biceps, quadriceps etc.), and smooth muscle (found in the intestinal tract such as stomach and colon).

What is the Deltoids muscle types?

smooth muscle

What are the three types of muscles?

The three types of muscle are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle.Well anatomically speaking the three primary types of muscles are: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.

What are some different types of muscles?

There are three muscle types, skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Skeletal and cardiac are both striated muscle, whereas smooth muscle is not.

The esophagus contains both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers?

The esophagus has two types of muscles. The upper third of the esophagus is composed of striated muscles, while the lower third contain smooth muscles. The muscles in the middle are a mixture of both striated and smooth.

Types of muscle are involuntary?

Of the three types of muscle, the two that are involuntary are cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

What are the different types of muscle fibers?

There are different types of muscle fibers. There is skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. * Skeletal muscle is attached to bones or occasionally skin. * Cardiac muscle is found in the walls of the heart. * Smooth muscle is mostly found in the walls of hollow organs such as the intestines I am currently studying anatomy and physiology at University for my nursing degree.There are three muscle Types: Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac.All muscle cells are elongated and are called muscle fibers. Muscle contraction depends on two kinds of myofilaments (actin and myosin). The cell membrane of a muscle cell is called "sarcolemma", while the cytoplasm of a muscle cell is called "sarcoplasm".Skeletal muscle characteristics: long, thin and multi-nucleated fiber with striations, voluntary control; arranged into packages called muscles that attach to and cover the bony skeleton; contracts rapidly & vigorously, but tired easily; may exert great force.Cardiac muscle characteristics: network of branched fibers connected by gap junctions (intercalated disks); only in heart; also have striations; involuntary control; contracts at rhythmic, steady rate set by "pacemaker".Smooth muscle characteristics: lacks striations; walls of hollow visceral organs and blood vessels; involuntary control, contractions are slow & sustained.

What are the three types of muscle fibers?

The three type of muscle fibers are fast-twitch, slow-twitch, and hybrid.