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Q: So why is it dark on the seabed if water is transparent?
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Is honey transparent opaque or translucent?

Honey is clear as water and dark as molasses ! So honey is transparent 🍯 Hope all of you understand

How does fully submerged plants get sunlight?

water is transparent, so sunlight penetrates the water easily :)

Why does visibility decrease as you travel below the oceans surface?

The farther you go down, the harder it is to see, because the water is not perfectly transparent and it gradually cuts down on the light that penetrates from the surface. So it gets dark.

How are earthquakes created in the water?

They are not. Earthquakes at sea occur in the sea bed under the water, the same as they do on any part of the land. Sometimes this sudden movement will cause enough of the seabed to shift so as to cause a tsunami.

Does soil or water absorb more light?

Soil absorbs more light than water does. Water is transparent, so light passes through it. Soil is opaque.

Example of transparent material?

first of all we need to know What is transparent?Transparent is transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity.For example clear glass, water, clear plastic, Acrylic sheet, light, air... that's all I can think of so far.

How do you put transparent into a sentence?

The maple leaf was so thin it was transparent.

How can the word permeable be used in a sentence?

May I have a water glass that is not so permeable? Your story is not only transparent, it is quite permeable!

Why can you see through a glass of water?

Water is naturally clear, or transparent, so you can see through it. Megan Of course, if the water is polluted vision is impaired. Time to clean up our environment?

Why is the transparency of water so biologically important?

water is transparent which allows light to filter into aquatic environments, thus aquatic plants can absorb light and perform photosynthesis.

Why does the water seem to be blue?

I've recently heard that the water's color is because of the sky. You see, water is very clear and transparent. The sky's color reflects towards it so that's why water seems blue.

Why is the vitreous humor transparent?

so the the ligth can pass througth esaly if it was not transparent then you could not see