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Social life in prehistory would have varied depending on the geographical location and time period. Generally, it is believed that prehistoric societies were structured around small family groups or bands that relied on hunting and gathering for survival. Social interactions within these groups would have been vital for cooperation, sharing resources, and passing down knowledge through oral traditions. The lack of written records from this period makes it difficult to know specifics, but evidence such as cave paintings and burial sites suggest that social rituals and relationships were important aspects of prehistoric life.

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How did World War 2 affect the social life of Americans?

World War 2 had a significant impact on the social life of Americans. Women took on new roles in the workforce, society became more diverse due to migration for war-related jobs, and the war brought about changes in social attitudes towards minorities and women. Overall, it led to a shift in traditional social norms and paved the way for social change in the post-war period.

What is the world overview that involves looking at social life in a scientific systematic way?

The overview that involves looking at social life in a scientific systematic way is sociology. Sociology examines social relationships, structures, and dynamics to understand how societies function and change over time. It uses various research methods to study phenomena such as social institutions, inequality, culture, and group behavior.

Areas of social life?

Areas of social life include family dynamics, friendships, education, work environments, community involvement, social gatherings, cultural events, and societal norms. These areas contribute to the development of an individual's identity, relationships, and interactions within society.

Who was the first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life was?

Auguste Comte, a French philosopher, was the first person to propose that the scientific method could be applied to the study of social life. He is known as the founder of sociology and believed that society could be studied as rigorously as the natural world.

What does a vibrant social life mean?

A vibrant social life typically refers to having a bustling and active social network. It involves regularly engaging with friends, family, and acquaintances through various activities such as outings, gatherings, parties, and events. A vibrant social life often brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging to an individual.

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