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62 grams a+

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Royce Homenick

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Q: Sodium will react with oxygen to form sodium oxide. Use the formula below to determine how many grams of sodium oxide will be formed if 46 grams of sodium are used in the reaction.?
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Sodium will react with oxygen to form sodium oxide Use the formula below to determine how many grams of sodium oxide will be formed if 46 grams of sodium are used in the reaction?

62 grams a+

What is formed when glucose react with sodium chloride?

The chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl. The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6.

What happens when the compound sodium chloride is formed?

The reaction is exothermic; the standard enthalpy of formation for sodium chloride is -411,12 kJ/mol at 25 0C.

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The formula for sodium hydride is simply NaH. This compound is formed by the reaction between sodium metal and hydrogen gas. When exposed to water, sodium hydride reacts vigorously to form H2(g), Na+ and OH-.

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When an alcohol reacts with sodium metal, a salt called sodium alkoxide is formed along with hydrogen gas. This process is known as alcohol deprotonation or alkoxide formation.

Which reaction occurs when sodium metal react with water?

When sodium metal reacts with water, it forms sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The reaction is highly exothermic and can produce a vigorous release of heat and hydrogen gas. Additionally, the reaction of sodium with water can be violent and should be conducted with caution.

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The formula formed by sodium and fluorine is NaF, which is known as sodium fluoride. Sodium donates one electron to fluorine, creating an ionic bond between the two elements.

What is the formula of the ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration?

The ion formed when sodium achieves a stable electron configuration is Na+ (sodium ion). Sodium (Na) loses one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration similar to that of neon.

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The compound formed between sodium and selenium is named "sodium selenide" and has the formula Na2Se.

In vinegar sodium hydroxide color is green.why?

A reaction occur and sodium acetate is formed.

When one molecule of sodium combined with one molecule of chlorine what is formed?

Sodium chloride is formed. Its formula is NaCl.