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Probably cancer...

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Q: Soft but large swollen area above your collar bone should you be concerned?
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What causes swollen gland above collar bone?

Swollen glands above the collar bone can occur for many reasons. One of the main reasons is illness, such as a virus, or a bacterial infection of the throat.

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What could a small pea sized knot on lower left side of neck just above my collar bone be?

Could be a small skin infection, a swollen lymph-node, or a cyst. Regardless, you should have it checked by a doctor since this could be anything from a simple skin infection to a sign of cancer.

What causes pain left side above collar bone?

One thing that can cause left side of neck pain above a collar bone could be a stiff neck. If the pain does not go away, one should see a doctor.

What is the soft lump above your navel?

yes you should be concerned wth just a lump above your belly button. so go to the doctor and get it looked at.

What is a supraclavicular incision?

Supra means abonve and clavicle is collar bone. Supraclavicle incision is an incision above the collar bone.

Your daughter has an indention above her rear end should you be concerned?

No. It's normal. It's odd if you don't have one.

Should one be concerned with a soft tissue lump under your arm?

Since you didn't specify in what area of the shoulder, I can only speak from my experience with a lump above the collar bone. As with any "new" lump, your best bet would be a have a MD check it out. I had a fair size lump above my left collar bone which turned out to be Hodgkins Lymphoma. So my advice is to see your MD. Good Luck, Kristin Hi - my husband had a lump just above the collar bone which suddenly appeared. It was secondary cancer from a stomach tumour. Get it checked out. All the best.

The bottem of my cats paw is swollen?

If the bottom of your cats paw is swollen the he probably step in some poison Ivy, steeped on something sharp. But, above all of these before you start thinking of possible answer, you should see a vet. I sure it's nothing

My toddler fell yesterday and still has a large bluish-purple bump above one eyebrow It's still quite swollen as well but doesn't seem to bother him. Should I have him looked at just to be safe?

If your toddler falls and gets a black eye, it will probably stay bruised looking for a few days. If it is not bothersome it is most likely OK. However, if you are concerned you should get it looked at just to be safe.

What part of the body is located above the woman's breast?

The clavicle or collar-bone.

Cyst on the elbow?

swollen just above elbow and painful. developed overnight