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Sole custody is when only 1 parent has the right to choose where their child goes to school, which doctor they see, and what religion they partake in. Child support is the money that the non-custodial parent will pay to help support the child.

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Q: Sole custody and child support
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Can you gain sole custody of a child by receiving child support?

Depends on circumstances. A single mother has a presumption of sole custody at the time of the birth of the child. Where married parents are separated, there is a presumption of joint physical custody whether or not support is ordered.

If an unwed mother has sole custody can she still get child support in California?

YES, a woman can file for child support and not address custody in the courts, but a man can not request visitation time without the subject of child support being addressed. All single mother have sole custody by default, in 49 states.

Who is eligible for child support?

This is interpretive as even sole custody fathers can be obligated to pay.

Will the mother get sole legal custody of the child if the parents were never married and he hasn't seen the child over 4 years?

She already has sole legal custody as an unmarried mother. He can petition for visitation and pay child support.

Is the child state property if the parents are not legally married?

No. A child is no one's property. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity in court. Once paternity is established the father can petition for custody and/or visitation and the court can prepare a child support order as necessary if the mother retains sole physical custody.No. A child is no one's property. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity in court. Once paternity is established the father can petition for custody and/or visitation and the court can prepare a child support order as necessary if the mother retains sole physical custody.No. A child is no one's property. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity in court. Once paternity is established the father can petition for custody and/or visitation and the court can prepare a child support order as necessary if the mother retains sole physical custody.No. A child is no one's property. An unmarried mother has sole custody until the father establishes his paternity in court. Once paternity is established the father can petition for custody and/or visitation and the court can prepare a child support order as necessary if the mother retains sole physical custody.

Can dad change custody order to an equal shared parental responsibility and pay no child support?

The child support amount would depend on the difference in income. Even sole custody fathers are ordered to pay child support.

Who pays child support when no legal custody has been established?

Determining child support has only one goal which is to determine medical, financial and daycare support. Custody is NOT determined when child support is established. To establish child support you have to go to court. Otherwise if the mother was unwed and paternity/custody is not established she automatically has sole custody which entitles you to pay her child support but you are not entitled to visitation, school/dr records etc unless she gives them to you... If custody is not established then the mother has custody

In ms can mother be awarded child support with joint physical custody?

Even sole custody fathers can be ordered to pay child support, when they earn more than the mother. see links

Who has legal custody of my 18yr son and his 16yr girlfriends baby were in Oh?

She has sole custody and he has no legal rights to the child, but he has to pay child support. Provided he's not in jail.see links

How do i put my child's father on child support without him getting sole custody from another state?

How would he do that without being in possession?

Does Maryland automatically grant an unwed mother sole custody?

Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.Yes. There really is no "grant". The mother of a child can always be determined since she gave birth. An unmarried mother has sole custody of her child until the father can establish his paternity legally. Once his paternity has been established he can request custody, a visitation schedule and child support will be addressed.

Will you receive more child support with sole custody as opposed to joint custody?

You may since sole custody implies the child lives with that parent 100% of the time. With joint custody the child may dwell with the other parent for part of the time or with one parent all of the time with visitations for the other parent. It depends on the details and the state child support guidelines.