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have a strong attractive force

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Q: Solids maintain a definite shape and volume because their particles?
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What are the characteristics of solids?

Solids have definite shape and volume, meaning they maintain their shape and do not flow like liquids or gases. The particles in solids are tightly packed together and have strong intermolecular forces, giving them a fixed structure. Solids are not easily compressed due to the limited space between particles.

What solids do not have a crystal form or definite melting point?

Amorphous solids have no definite melting point because their particles are arranged randomly. Amorphous solids do not have crystal form or definite melting point.

Solids with their particles in a definite repeated pattern are?


Solids maintain a definite?

If you talking about shape, then yes.

Is saltine crackers solid liquid or gas?

Saltine crackers are solids. Solids have a definite shape and volume, and maintain their shape under normal conditions.

What state of matter has definite shape and definite volume?

The state of matter that has definite shape and definite volume is called solid.

What properties of solids distinguish them from liquids and gases?

Solids have a definite shape and volume because their particles are closely packed and do not move past one another easily. In contrast, liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container, while gases do not have a definite shape or volume as their particles are far apart and move freely.

Compare and contrast solids and liquids?

Solids have a definite shape and volume, with particles that are closely packed and have little movement. Liquids, on the other hand, have a definite volume but take the shape of their container, with particles that are more loosely packed and able to move past each other. Liquids flow and can be poured, while solids maintain their shape.

Does solid have definite volume?

Yes, solids have a definite volume because their particles are packed closely together and cannot move freely. This results in a fixed shape and volume for solids.

Why does solid have a definite shape?

Solids have a definite shape because their particles are closely packed together and have strong forces of attraction that hold them in a fixed position. This allows solid objects to maintain a specific and defined shape, even when external forces are applied.

Im a sbstance that has a fixed volume and a fixed shape?

You are a solid. Solids have a fixed volume and shape because their particles are closely packed and arranged in a specific pattern, allowing them to maintain their form.

Why solids are rigid?

Solids are rigid because the particles are closely packed together and have strong forces of attraction between them. This makes it difficult for the particles to move past each other, resulting in the solid maintaining its shape and volume.