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Q: Some birds hatch about 5 or 6 weeks and most birds hatch in 4 weeks. By the way I am a bird expert and my name is Katie who loves birds and I am 8 years old and in 2nd grade.?
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Related questions

Does birds hatch from egges or are they born alive?

All birds hatch from eggs

Do birds hatch from eggs?

yes birds do hatch from eggs

Do pheasants hatch from an egg?

Pheasants are birds and hatch from eggs.

Do humming Birds hatch from a cocoon?

No, birds lay eggs and their chicks hats from these eggs. Humming Birds are birds (it says so in their name) so they hatch from eggs.

Are birds born alive or hatched eggs?

Birds hatch out of eggs.

Does an eagle hatch from egg?

Yes it does, an Eagle is a bird, all birds hatch from an egg.

Does an eagle hatch from a egg?

Yes it does, an Eagle is a bird, all birds hatch from an egg.

Is a dodo bird hatch from an egg or born alive?

Birds lay eggs.

Do penguins have live birth or hatch?

Well, penguins are birds. So they obviously hatch from eggs.

Are toucans born alive or do they hatch from an egg?

A toucan is a bird. All birds lay eggs which then hatch when they reproduce.

How do toucans have birth?

They don't. They are birds. They lay eggs. Eggs hatch. Baby birds.

How does a bird have its young?

Birds lay eggs and hatch them.