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A low temperature can slow down enzyme activity and high temperatures can denature an enzyme making it unusable. pH levels also affect enzyme activity. Every cell has an ideal temperature and pH

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12y ago
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9y ago

There are 4 factors. Temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration.

Temperature increases enzyme activity till an optimum temperature which after that drastically reduces its activity due to the enzyme protein denaturing.

All enzymes function at a specific pH range, (change in pH results in change in structure due to the ionic bonds present between amino acids)

high enzyme concentration results in higher effective collision between enzyme and substrate. therefore activity increases.

High substrate concentration results in higher activity as the rate of effective collision increases, but after a certain concentration the rate would be constant as all enzyme active sites are maxed out.

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9y ago

The temperature, the pH value, the substrate concentration and the enzymes concentration influence enzyme activity.

Temperature plays an important role in enzyme activity. Temperature increases the reaction of enzymes, however it can only reach a certain temperature. If the temperature goes above 37C, the enzyme will denature.

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15y ago

Because they are catalysts for reactions, enzymes can be affected by any variable that influences a chemical reaction. Many enzymes are affected by changes in temperature.

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13y ago

Concentration ( enzyme to substrate ), temperature and pH.

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12y ago

Temperature or pH.

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Q: Some factors that may influence enzyme activity?
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