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a higher crime rate

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Q: Some people believe that a weak economy will result in?
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How has Ireland's economy changed in recent years and how have these changes influenced migration?

In 2008 a recession began in Ireland. One of the results of that was an increase in emigration. There was also less immigration than there had been. In more recent years, the economy has started to improve again. As a result of that, the amount of people emigrating has slowed down. There are even some people returning now.

What is a sentence for Economy?

In today life, the economy is bad because some people don't have jobs or any money to survive their surroundings and their bills.The word economy is a noun. A sentence for economy is, 'They argued about whether or not tax cuts were good for the overall economy.'

What motivates people to work in a market economy?

In a market economy, people are motivated to work by self interest. In a command economy, such as that of North Korea, people are motivated by some combination of patriotism and fear. In a utopian community they might be motivated by idealism. Those are pretty much the only options.

How might a nation move from a command economy to a market economy?

Nations are moving towards a market economy and away from the command economy because the market economy is more efficient and makes more people happy. A market economy has more protections in place for consumers.

What is the the type of economy where people carry on their economic affairs freely but are subject to some government intervention and regulation?

When people can carry out their economic business freely but are also subject to some government intervention and regulation, that is called a mixed economy. It is a mixture of capitalism and socialism.

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Is China better off today?

Some people believe that China is better off today because of a growing economy. Some people believe that the growth of the economy is destroying the culture of China, so this is a matter of opinion.

What are some of Idaho's economy?

Idaho has a similar economy to a 3rd world country. They also don't like colored people here and don't believe in human rights

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People from a different racial groups are unemployed in certain sectors of the economy and not in others as a result of discrimination. Racial discrimination makes some racial groups to feel superior over others.

Can you help being gay?

Homosexuality is how you are. Some people believe that they can pray and god will make them heterosexual as a result of it, but I don't see how that possible.

What were some of the effects on the economy as a result of CUSFTA?

CUSFTA stands for Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. The effect on the economy as a result of CUSFTA has been positive because it has led to export growth.

Was September 11 a conspiracy?

Some people believe it was and others believe it was not. There are questions that some people believe the government's report did not answer. There is evidence that some people believe points to the possibility that it was a conspiracy.

What are the downsides of a libertarian philosophy?

Some people are afraid of the increased freedoms in a libertarian society or believe that chaos will result without a 'babysitter' government.

Some people believe children are born like a blank slate and that everything they are is a result of their environment and what they learn. This concept is called?

This concept is called tabula rasa, which translates to "blank slate" in Latin. It suggests that individuals are born without any innate knowledge or predispositions and that their personalities and characteristics are shaped solely by their experiences and interactions with the environment.

What is this from Some people believe in God you believe in music Some people pray you turn up the radio?

it's actually "Some people believe in God, I believe in music. Some people pray, I turn up the radio." This is by Muse.

Do people that believe in horoscopes believe in God?

Some people who believe in horoscopes believe in God while others do not. Some may believe in other gods.

Do Irish people believe in the devil?

Some Irish people do and some Irish people do not.

Some people believe that children are born like a blank slate and that everything they are is a result of their environment and what they learn this concept is called?

Tabula Rasa :D