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Q: Some radioactive isotopes found in meteorites suggest that the solar system may have been formed shortly after a supernova occurred nearby?
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True or False Fossils may be dated by either the relative dating method which determines the relative order of fossils or by the absolute dating method which uses radioactive isotopes?

True. Fossils can be dated using both relative dating methods, which determine the sequence of events in which fossils occurred, and absolute dating methods, which rely on radioactive isotopes to calculate the age of fossils.

What is the Vela Supernova?

The Vela Supernova is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred in the Vela constellation about 11,000 to 12,300 years ago. It is located about 800 light-years away from Earth and is one of the closest known supernova remnants to us.

Why did the supernova 1987A actually occur in 1977?

It didn't. It occurred approximately 168,000 years before 1987.

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It's not the same as a supernova--the Crab Nebula is the visible remnant of a supernova event which occurred about 7,500 years ago. The light from the supernova explosion reached the earth and was observed by Chinese and Arab astronomers about 1,000 years ago. The Crab Nebula was the first object to be identified with a supernova which was actually observed during recorded history.

When the amount of a radioactive substance is reduced by 50 percent what has occurred?

Half-Life APEX (; xoxo

What is the element with the heaviest stable isotope?

Tin is the element with the most stable isotopes, ten. Xenon is second with nine isotopes. Both Xenon and Cesium have 36 possible isotopes, but 27 of Xenon's and 35 of Cesium's isotopes are radioactive. This means that they decay over time and "shed" particles. Hydrogen has the smallest amount of isotopes, with three total and two stable isotopes.

Solar system may have been formed shortly after a supernova occurred nearby?

It need not have been "shortly after"; the key point is that part of the material in the Solar System must have come from supernova explosions, at some previous point - or we wouldn't have sufficient amounts of heavier elements.

When did supernova 1987A occurred?

SN 1987A [See Link] was a supernova in the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. It occurred approximately 168,000 light years from Earth, close enough that it was visible to the naked eye. It was the closest observed supernova since SN 1604, which occurred in the Milky Way. The light from the supernova reached Earth on February 23, 1987. As the first supernova discovered in 1987, it was labeled "1987A".

What are the isotopes of radon?

Radon has several isotopes, but the most common are radon-222 and radon-220. Radon-222 is the most stable and is the one most commonly found in the environment. Radon-220, also known as thoron, is less common and has a shorter half-life.

Dating uses the properties of atoms in rocks and other objects to find their ages?

Dating methods like radiometric dating use the decay of radioactive isotopes in rocks to determine their age. By measuring the ratios of different isotopes in a sample, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the rock formed. This can provide valuable information about the history of the Earth and when specific events occurred.

How is the solar system made up of?

Condensed clouds of interstellar gas that originally assembled from the remnants of nova or supernova stellar explosions that occurred many eons before our Solar System was formed.

Is uranium 238 a natural element?

yes, it was formed in supernova explosions that occurred before the formation of the solar system