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Q: Someone who believes in divine rule believes that god?
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Which theory of government states that the right to rule is given by God?

Divine Right or Theocracy both have the idea that the right to rule is given by god.

The belief that God gave the monarch the right to rule is the?

Divine right of kings. This concept asserts that a monarch's authority to rule comes directly from God, making their power absolute and not subject to challenge. It was a widely held belief in many European monarchies during the Middle Ages and early modern period.

What is an adoptionist?

An adoptionist is a person who believes in or supports adoptionism, a form of Christianity which believes that Jesus is divine because God adopted him.

What theory states monarchs rule by the will of God?

The "divine right of kings" theory states that monarchs rule by the will of God.

What was the 'divine right' of kings?

The king was considered to be appointed by God, or chosen by God. As such, he had a "divine right" to rule. If the king was appointed by God, then his will was also God's will. - The Divine Right of Kings is a theory of government the King's power is absolute.

King believed to be elected by God?

It has to do with divine right. That is when the monarch/leader believes that their power was appointed to them by "God" or "Gods".

The God-given right to rule is called what?

Divine Right

What is the name of someone who believes in God?

A theist

How do you call someone who believes he created his own universe and that other people are created by him?

I would call him a god, or at least someone who believes he is a god.

Did the Tudors believe they had the divine right of god to rule England?


To Claim that authority to rule comes directly from god?

Divine Right

The belief that authority to rule comes directly from god?

Divine right